
Sign Up for Child Support Services

How to Sign Up for Child Support Services

You may sign up to open a case for child support services if you are the parent or caregiver of a child who needs support.

You can sign up online or call the Child Support Program for more information.

If you live in another state or received child support services from another state, you may need to contact that state to find out if you have an open child support case in that state. Find other child support agencies in the United States.

If you have questions or need help with the online sign up form, please contact the Child Support Program.

Cash and Food Assistance

If you want child support services, please complete the online sign up form.

If you currently receive or applied for public assistance from the Department of Children and Families (DCF), they may have sent your information to us. However, we may not have opened a child support case.

Please complete the online sign up form. This will allow us to begin providing you services more quickly.

If you received any type of public assistance or child support services in the past, your case may still be open. Contact the Child Support Program if you are not sure if you have an open child support case.


If you currently receive or have recently applied for Medicaid only, and you do not receive cash or food assistance, the Child Support Program will not automatically start child support services. If you want child support services, you will need to sign up with the Child Support Program.

What Happens After You Sign Up

Once you sign up for services, the Child Support Program will contact you if we need more information.

We will let you know by mail when your case is open. Once your case is open, the Child Support Program may need more information from you to set up or enforce child support or paternity. When we need more information, it is important that you give us the information as soon as possible. We will mail the request for more information to you. Examples of information that we may need include previous court orders or the child's birth certificate.

Once you have an open case, please contact the Child Support Program anytime there are changes to:

Parent Information
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Job
Child Information
  • One or more of your children changes households.
Legal Activity
  • You receive a court order affecting paternity or child support from someone other than the Child Support Program.
  • A divorce or other court action is filed by you or the other parent.
Other Changes & Information
  • You are living with the other parent.
  • You receive new information that can help us locate the other parent.
  • You are a victim of domestic violence by the other parent.
  • The other parent goes to or is released from jail, leaves the country or dies.
  • You do not want our services.

FAQs: Sign Up for Child Support Services

FAQs: General Child Support