Resources for Parents
This page offers helpful resources for parents to make connections with job placement and training programs, community resources, and information about changing a child support order (modification). The information and resources provided are available to anyone, not just those who have an open child support case with the Child Support Program.
Employment Resources
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job resources by county.
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badge to find organizations receiving special grant funding to assist parents who owe child support.
- Job Placement
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- Local, County and State Government Jobs
CareerSource Florida is the statewide workforce policy and investment board. Their partners include FloridaCommerce, 24 local workforce development boards and 100 career centers throughout the state. Together, the CareerSource Florida network connects employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity.
Community Resources
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Changing a Support Order
A child support order can be changed (or modified) by the court or administrative agency that issued the order if the circumstances of either parent change after the order is issued. Until an order is changed, terminated or vacated, the amount ordered is owed and legally enforceable. To understand how the law applies in your situation, you should seek legal advice from a licensed attorney.
How to Request a Change to a Support Order
Either parent can request a change to a support order by filing a petition in circuit court or contacting the agency that issued the order.
Is your case handled by the Child Support Program? Learn more about changing your support order.
What is a Change in Circumstances?
The parent seeking to change (or modify) a support order has the burden to prove a change in circumstances. In most cases, before an order can be changed, a parent's change in circumstances must be substantial, permanent, and involuntary.
A substantial change means that the change in circumstances would cause a change in the order amount and can vary depending on a variety of case factors. A permanent change in circumstances depends on the specific facts of the case. Temporary or short-term changes are not enough to prove a lasting, permanent change. An involuntary change happens through no fault of the parent, like an extended illness or employment layoff. Conversely, a voluntary change is a result of the parent's own choices.
Is your case handled by the Child Support Program? Learn more about changing your support order.
Note: A support order change (modification) involves applying the law to the specific facts of the case. The general principles here are only a partial statement of the law and are not legal advice. Only a licensed attorney is authorized to provide legal advice based on the specific circumstances of your case.
Other Resources
Either parent can file their own petition in circuit court to change (modify) a support order. You can hire a lawyer of your choosing or file your own petition and represent yourself. Other resources you may find helpful include: