Notices of Public Meetings, Hearings, and Workshops

Section 120.525, Florida Statutes, requires all agencies to publish notices of public meetings, hearings, and workshops on the agency's web site not less than seven (7) days before the event. The notice shall include a statement of the general subject matter to be considered. This requirement is in addition to those notices currently required to be published in the Florida Administrative Register.

Scheduled Public Meetings, Hearings, and Workshops

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Section 120.525, Florida Statutes, requires all agencies to publish notices of public meetings, hearings, and workshops, including those related to rulemaking, on the agency's website not less than seven (7) days before the event. The notice shall include a statement of the general subject matter to be considered. This requirement is in addition to those notices currently required to be published in the Florida Administrative Register.

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< February 2025 >
 Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat  Sun 
  2:00 PM Public Meeting
  3:00 PM Public Meeting