Information for Out-of-State Businesses
Even though your business is out of state, you may be required to register
or file tax in Florida. Some common examples of activities that create a
business connection (also called nexus) in Florida include, but are not
limited to businesses that:
Have employees, agents, or independent contractors conducting sales or
other business activities in Florida.
- Maintain an office or other place of business in Florida.
- Assemble, install, service, or repair products in Florida.
Own, rent, or lease real property or tangible personal property in
Deliver goods to Florida customers using your company-owned or leased
For more information about business connection (nexus) or location (also
called situs), please email the Florida Department of Revenue at If you have been doing business in Florida for more than 30 days and/or
owe back taxes, visit the Department's
Voluntary Disclosure
If you have questions regarding unemployment tax (called reemployment tax
in Florida), such as who is liable to pay the tax and who is considered an
employee, visit the Department's
Reemployment Tax
You can
register online
for any applicable tax. The Department's site uses an interactive wizard
to help you determine your tax registration requirements. Taxes that you
may be obligated to collect and/or pay include, but are not limited to:
If you know of a business that is not complying with Florida law, you can
report possible tax violations
to the Department.