General Tax Administration Program

The General Tax Administration Program...

  • Administers more than 30 taxes and fees, including sales and use tax, reemployment tax, communications services tax, corporate income tax, and fuel tax;
  • Collects the money that pays for state and local government services Floridians depend on; and
  • Continually improves our technology and customer service, so reporting and paying taxes is as convenient and easy as possible.

We do it by...

  • Registering businesses for the collection of taxes,
  • Receiving and depositing tax dollars,
  • Reviewing tax returns and notifying taxpayers of errors,
  • Helping taxpayers with questions and problems,
  • Auditing taxpayers to ensure compliance with the law,
  • Investigating tax fraud,
  • Collecting overdue taxes,
  • Processing tax refunds,
  • Distributing funds to state accounts and local governments, and
  • Receiving and processing payments made to several state agencies.

Our customers are...

  • State government,
  • Local governments, and
  • The people of Florida.

To meet the needs of the state, its communities, and its citizens, we maintain and continually improve an efficient system for administering Florida taxes.

Our partners are...

  • Florida businesses.

Florida’s businesses make the state’s tax system work. Businesses calculate, collect, and transmit the tax money that funds state government and the services it provides. The majority of Florida’s businesses voluntarily and conscientiously carry out these responsibilities, keeping the state’s tax collection costs low.

To help businesses be successful we...

  • Provide a unified tax system whereby businesses can resolve different tax issues through a single contact with us,
  • Provide businesses with online access to their account and an electronic file and payment system to save time and reduce errors, and
  • Protect businesses from unfair competition by identifying businesses that are not fulfilling their tax obligations and bringing them into compliance.