Property Tax Oversight

In Florida, local governments are responsible for administering property tax. The Department of Revenue's Property Tax Oversight p​rogram provides oversight and assistance to local government officials, including property appraisers, tax collectors, and value adjustment boards.

The Property Tax System

Looking for information on Florida's property tax system?

The Florida Constitution and Statutes define the roles and authority for the various entities involved in Florida’s property tax system. Find out more at these links:

Annual PTO Cycle Who, What, When of the PTO System A Florida Homeowner's Guide: Millage

Property Taxes After a Disaster

Has a disaster affected your property?

Florida Statutes provide direction for property affected by a catastrophic event. The Department of Revenue developed “A Florida Homeowner’s Guide: Disaster Damage” to help homeowners understand how property taxes are handled if a property is damaged or destroyed. To view the guide, click the button to the right.

FILLER Property taxes after a disaster.

Contact a County Official

Are you a taxpayer with a question?

As property tax is administered locally, the best resources for assistance with property tax matters are the property appraiser and the tax collector in the county where the property is located. To locate county property appraiser, tax collector, and value adjustment board websites, click the “Contact a County Official” button to the right. NOTE: For property surveys, contact your county property appraiser.

FILLER Contact a county official