Important Information


External Resources

Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program

The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program allows taxpayers to make private, voluntary contributions to eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit against the following Florida taxes:

  • corporate income tax;
  • excise tax on liquor, wine, and malt beverages;
  • gas and oil production tax;
  • insurance premium tax; and
  • use tax due under a direct pay permit.

The Florida Department of Education designates the eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations eligible to receive contributions under the program. A listing of eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations can be found on the Florida Department of Education - School Choice webpage.

Taxpayers who wish to participate must apply to the Department of Revenue for an allocation of tax credit.

The fastest and easiest way to apply for an allocation of credit or to rescind a previous allocation of credit is to use the online application. You must apply online if you are required to file returns and remit payments by electronic means. When an online application is completed and submitted, a confirmation number will be provided to confirm receipt of the application. Taxpayers who do not meet the electronic filing requirements are encouraged to apply online.

References: Sections 211.0251, 212.1831, 220.02, 220.13, 220.1875, 561.1211, 624.51055 and 1002.395, Florida Statutes, and Rules 12-29.002 and 12-29.003, Florida Administrative Code