VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: Fiscal Year 2002                                                        FORM-5b
REPORT DATE: September 9, 2002

                                        STATE DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                             OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                         (YTD DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total      Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.    Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.     to County    To city    to Cities
                    Govts.      Govts.                218.65(1)     218.65(6)      Govts.       Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua        9,817,734   6,241,494  16,059,228            .            .    9,817,734    6,241,494   16,059,228
12 Baker            554,623     145,101     699,724      382,987       32,204      969,814      145,101    1,114,915
13 Bay            7,815,575   5,985,916  13,801,491            .            .    7,815,575    5,985,916   13,801,491
14 Bradford         747,456     257,658   1,005,114      214,833       67,765    1,030,054      257,658    1,287,712
15 Brevard       19,162,304  14,556,245  33,718,549            .            .   19,162,304   14,556,245   33,718,549
16 Broward       62,995,395  85,025,434 148,020,829            .            .   62,995,395   85,025,434  148,020,829
17 Calhoun          258,219      70,873     329,091      218,239       25,760      502,218       70,873      573,091
18 Charlotte      9,126,991     959,138  10,086,129            .            .    9,126,991      959,138   10,086,129
19 Citrus         5,768,343     528,225   6,296,568            .            .    5,768,343      528,225    6,296,568
20 Clay           7,687,775     939,617   8,627,392            .            .    7,687,775      939,617    8,627,392
21 Collier       26,591,232   4,083,720  30,674,952            .            .   26,591,232    4,083,720   30,674,952
22 Columbia       3,053,983     604,385   3,658,368            .            .    3,053,983      604,385    3,658,368
23 Dade         109,154,904  61,990,066 171,144,970            .            .  109,154,904   61,990,066  171,144,970
24 DeSoto         1,033,159     248,135   1,281,294      270,555            .    1,303,714      248,135    1,551,849
25 Dixie            508,578      84,083     592,661      267,575       16,523      792,675       84,083      876,758
26 Duval         70,208,369   3,997,947  74,206,316            .            .   70,208,369    3,997,947   74,206,316
27 Escambia      17,761,199   3,806,043  21,567,243            .            .   17,761,199    3,806,043   21,567,243
28 Flagler        1,183,755   1,314,149   2,497,904      644,797            .    1,828,552    1,314,149    3,142,702
29 Franklin         482,147     191,910     674,057      295,869            .      778,016      191,910      969,926
30 Gadsden        1,000,349     386,025   1,386,374      863,387            .    1,863,736      386,025    2,249,761
31 Gilchrist        257,267      44,007     301,274      323,851            .      581,118       44,007      625,125
32 Glades           132,076      23,103     155,180      272,872            .      404,948       23,103      428,051
33 Gulf             313,221     166,528     479,749      228,409       37,047      578,676      166,528      745,204
34 Hamilton         264,189      91,518     355,707      159,658       43,618      467,464       91,518      558,982
35 Hardee           533,812     206,133     739,945      418,908            .      952,719      206,133    1,158,853
36 Hendry         1,314,120     450,985   1,765,105      190,834            .    1,504,955      450,985    1,955,939
37 Hernando       5,796,842     335,950   6,132,792            .            .    5,796,842      335,950    6,132,792
38 Highlands      3,911,331     962,967   4,874,298            .            .    3,911,331      962,967    4,874,298
39 Hillsboroug   73,101,131  29,448,786 102,549,917            .            .   73,101,131   29,448,786  102,549,917
40 Holmes           321,003     105,958     426,961      386,267       24,647      731,918      105,958      837,876
41 Indian Rive    6,819,123   2,838,130   9,657,253            .            .    6,819,123    2,838,130    9,657,253
42 Jackson        1,499,355     593,554   2,092,909      322,458       96,588    1,918,401      593,554    2,511,955
43 Jefferson        404,283      91,103     495,386      159,981            .      564,264       91,103      655,367
44 Lafayette        165,714      29,464     195,178      135,859       21,664      323,237       29,464      352,701
45 Lake           8,751,691   4,414,102  13,165,793            .            .    8,751,691    4,414,102   13,165,793
46 Lee           30,769,484  15,979,780  46,749,264            .            .   30,769,484   15,979,780   46,749,264
47 Leon          10,580,714   8,342,793  18,923,507            .            .   10,580,714    8,342,793   18,923,507
48 Levy           1,174,267     330,858   1,505,125      306,711            .    1,480,978      330,858    1,811,836
49 Liberty          126,052      20,472     146,524      127,851       24,739      278,642       20,472      299,114
50 Madison          398,250     107,632     505,882      323,456       27,262      748,968      107,632      856,600
51 Manatee       15,622,639   4,755,640  20,378,279            .            .   15,622,639    4,755,640   20,378,279
52 Marion        14,862,821   3,264,316  18,127,137            .            .   14,862,821    3,264,316   18,127,137
53 Martin        11,170,725   1,637,025  12,807,750            .            .   11,170,725    1,637,025   12,807,750
54 Monroe         7,357,600   4,933,205  12,290,805            .            .    7,357,600    4,933,205   12,290,805
55 Nassau         2,775,611     750,888   3,526,499            .            .    2,775,611      750,888    3,526,499
56 Okaloosa      10,243,464   4,908,068  15,151,532            .            .   10,243,464    4,908,068   15,151,532
57 Okeechobee     1,615,194     265,064   1,880,257            .            .    1,615,194      265,064    1,880,257
58 Orange       100,251,665  38,360,378 138,612,044            .            .  100,251,665   38,360,378  138,612,044
59 Osceola       10,538,235   4,740,892  15,279,127            .            .   10,538,235    4,740,892   15,279,127
60 Palm Beach    64,159,917  42,411,347 106,571,264            .            .   64,159,917   42,411,347  106,571,264
61 Pasco         16,889,487   1,893,580  18,783,067            .            .   16,889,487    1,893,580   18,783,067
62 Pinellas      37,122,278  33,463,014  70,585,292            .            .   37,122,278   33,463,014   70,585,292
63 Polk          22,869,193   9,989,696  32,858,889            .            .   22,869,193    9,989,696   32,858,889
64 Putnam         2,329,288     526,274   2,855,561            .            .    2,329,288      526,274    2,855,561
65 St. Johns      8,571,688   1,254,418   9,826,106            .            .    8,571,688    1,254,418    9,826,106
66 St. Lucie      5,944,357   5,011,328  10,955,685            .            .    5,944,357    5,011,328   10,955,685
67 Santa Rosa     4,250,074     517,153   4,767,227            .            .    4,250,074      517,153    4,767,227
68 Sarasota      23,742,038   7,930,934  31,672,973            .            .   23,742,038    7,930,934   31,672,973
69 Seminole      20,185,884  12,314,520  32,500,404            .            .   20,185,884   12,314,520   32,500,404
70 Sumter         1,585,499     301,200   1,886,699      659,795      105,241    2,350,535      301,200    2,651,735
71 Suwannee       1,195,955     265,617   1,461,571      338,723            .    1,534,678      265,617    1,800,294
72 Taylor           627,744     270,283     898,027       12,354            .      640,098      270,283      910,381
73 Union            218,807      58,293     277,101      185,691       69,898      474,397       58,293      532,690
74 Volusia       15,941,459  16,885,337  32,826,797            .            .   15,941,459   16,885,337   32,826,797
75 Wakulla          567,056      18,764     585,821      400,570            .      967,627       18,764      986,391
76 Walton         3,684,562     703,929   4,388,491            .            .    3,684,562      703,929    4,388,491
77 Washington       531,739     154,112     685,851      335,208            .      866,947      154,112    1,021,059
   STATE TOTAL  906,400,993 453,585,263  1359986257    8,447,697      592,956  915,441,647  453,585,2631,369,026,910

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