VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JUNE,      1999                                                   FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: September 3, 1999

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 6/99)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          716,512     490,995   1,207,507            .            .      716,512      490,995    1,207,507
12 Baker             50,968      13,578      64,546       25,576        3,012       79,556       13,578       93,134
13*Bay              814,401     605,867   1,420,268            .            .      814,401      605,867    1,420,268
14 Bradford          77,074      26,000     103,074       12,462        6,364       95,900       26,000      121,900
15*Brevard        1,462,018   1,129,213   2,591,231            .            .    1,462,018    1,129,213    2,591,231
16*Broward        4,727,586   6,154,167  10,881,753            .            .    4,727,586    6,154,167   10,881,753
17 Calhoun           22,456       6,494      28,950       17,195        2,003       41,654        6,494       48,148
18*Charlotte        555,588      55,057     610,645            .            .      555,588       55,057      610,645
19*Citrus           416,958      42,829     459,787            .            .      416,958       42,829      459,787
20*Clay             593,187      79,993     673,180            .            .      593,187       79,993      673,180
21*Collier        1,357,910     241,415   1,599,325            .            .    1,357,910      241,415    1,599,325
22 Columbia         259,694      55,430     315,124            .            .      259,694       55,430      315,124
23*Dade           8,107,268   4,684,187  12,791,455            .            .    8,107,268    4,684,187   12,791,455
24 DeSoto            77,692      21,913      99,605       14,736            .       92,428       21,913      114,341
25 Dixie             20,412       4,147      24,559       19,739        1,696       41,847        4,147       45,994
26*Duval          5,749,970     338,427   6,088,397            .            .    5,749,970      338,427    6,088,397
27*Escambia       1,530,485     356,150   1,886,635            .            .    1,530,485      356,150    1,886,635
28 Flagler          126,193      21,532     147,725       18,034            .      144,227       21,532      165,759
29 Franklin          35,261      16,599      51,860        7,858            .       43,119       16,599       59,718
30 Gadsden          100,499      37,171     137,670       81,526            .      182,025       37,171      219,196
31 Gilchrist         19,745       3,305      23,050       22,965            .       42,710        3,305       46,015
32 Glades             6,429       1,195       7,624       20,388        1,281       28,098        1,195       29,293
33 Gulf              13,769       7,709      21,478       18,847        2,050       34,666        7,709       42,375
34 Hamilton          32,528      11,005      43,533            .        2,377       34,905       11,005       45,910
35 Hardee            43,245      15,098      58,343       20,828            .       64,073       15,098       79,171
36 Hendry            94,675      34,873     129,548            .            .       94,675       34,873      129,548
37*Hernando         404,771      26,511     431,282            .            .      404,771       26,511      431,282
38 Highlands        224,981      56,538     281,519            .            .      224,981       56,538      281,519
39*Hillsboroug    6,126,097   2,533,597   8,659,694            .            .    6,126,097    2,533,597    8,659,694
40 Holmes            35,143       9,674      44,817       27,192        2,225       64,560        9,674       74,234
41 Indian Rive      444,683     181,290     625,973            .            .      444,683      181,290      625,973
42 Jackson          119,238      48,667     167,905       32,804        7,702      159,744       48,667      208,411
43 Jefferson         24,833       5,947      30,780       20,367            .       45,200        5,947       51,147
44 Lafayette          9,492       1,603      11,095       13,065        2,443       25,000        1,603       26,603
45 Lake             531,876     277,530     809,406            .            .      531,876      277,530      809,406
46*Lee            2,108,450     908,735   3,017,185            .            .    2,108,450      908,735    3,017,185
47 Leon             838,595     649,889   1,488,484            .            .      838,595      649,889    1,488,484
48 Levy             103,809      29,797     133,606       18,604            .      122,413       29,797      152,210
49 Liberty           12,068       2,397      14,465       10,973        1,594       24,635        2,397       27,032
50 Madison           29,816       8,786      38,602       29,946        2,374       62,136        8,786       70,922
51*Manatee          989,999     314,290   1,304,289            .            .      989,999      314,290    1,304,289
52 Marion         1,078,226     245,681   1,323,907            .            .    1,078,226      245,681    1,323,907
53 Martin           736,544     111,838     848,382            .            .      736,544      111,838      848,382
54*Monroe           717,866     354,297   1,072,163            .            .      717,866      354,297    1,072,163
55*Nassau           254,221      74,033     328,254            .            .      254,221       74,033      328,254
56*Okaloosa         850,822     410,078   1,260,900            .            .      850,822      410,078    1,260,900
57 Okeechobee       137,020      21,869     158,889            .            .      137,020       21,869      158,889
58*Orange         8,057,314   3,147,161  11,204,475            .            .    8,057,314    3,147,161   11,204,475
59*Osceola          840,884     375,435   1,216,319            .            .      840,884      375,435    1,216,319
60*Palm Beach     4,420,157   2,949,225   7,369,382            .            .    4,420,157    2,949,225    7,369,382
61 Pasco          1,174,398     131,118   1,305,516            .            .    1,174,398      131,118    1,305,516
62*Pinellas       2,905,842   2,604,634   5,510,476            .            .    2,905,842    2,604,634    5,510,476
63*Polk           1,848,791     815,267   2,664,058            .            .    1,848,791      815,267    2,664,058
64 Putnam           167,779      39,551     207,330            .            .      167,779       39,551      207,330
65*St. Johns        581,705      99,276     680,981            .            .      581,705       99,276      680,981
66*St. Lucie        414,897     345,186     760,083            .            .      414,897      345,186      760,083
67*Santa Rosa       253,102      37,262     290,364            .            .      253,102       37,262      290,364
68*Sarasota       1,566,786     507,360   2,074,146            .            .    1,566,786      507,360    2,074,146
69*Seminole       1,590,574     957,419   2,547,993            .            .    1,590,574      957,419    2,547,993
70 Sumter            92,399      22,269     114,668       38,399        7,852      138,650       22,269      160,919
71 Suwannee          96,547      22,634     119,181       25,481            .      122,028       22,634      144,662
72 Taylor            59,806      27,399      87,205            .            .       59,806       27,399       87,205
73 Union             14,136       4,159      18,295       16,107        6,439       36,682        4,159       40,841
74*Volusia          980,644     975,159   1,955,803            .            .      980,644      975,159    1,955,803
75 Wakulla           50,693       2,031      52,724       23,043            .       73,736        2,031       75,767
76*Walton           313,219      69,130     382,349            .            .      313,219       69,130      382,349
77 Washington        41,497      14,161      55,658       25,930            .       67,427       14,161       81,588
   STATE TOTAL   68,262,243  33,873,232 102,135,475      562,065       49,412   68,873,720   33,873,232  102,746,952

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