VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: FEBRUARY,  1999                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: May 3, 1999
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                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 2/99)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------     
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          587,663     402,701     990,364            .            .      587,663      402,701      990,364
12 Baker             37,108       9,886      46,994       21,562        3,012       61,682        9,886       71,568
13*Bay              470,448     349,986     820,434            .            .      470,448      349,986      820,434
14 Bradford          50,632      17,080      67,712        8,922        6,364       65,918       17,080       82,998
15*Brevard        1,312,982   1,014,103   2,327,085            .            .    1,312,982    1,014,103    2,327,085
16*Broward        4,566,149   5,944,014  10,510,163            .            .    4,566,149    5,944,014   10,510,163
17 Calhoun           15,516       4,487      20,003       14,670        2,003       32,189        4,487       36,676
18*Charlotte        569,406      56,426     625,832            .            .      569,406       56,426      625,832
19*Citrus           407,925      41,901     449,826            .            .      407,925       41,901      449,826
20*Clay             473,613      63,868     537,481            .            .      473,613       63,868      537,481
21*Collier        1,875,941     333,513   2,209,454            .            .    1,875,941      333,513    2,209,454
22 Columbia         199,189      42,515     241,704            .            .      199,189       42,515      241,704
23*Dade           7,994,117   4,618,812  12,612,929            .            .    7,994,117    4,618,812   12,612,929
24 DeSoto            84,103      23,721     107,824       10,525            .       94,628       23,721      118,349
25 Dixie             20,234       4,111      24,345       17,024        1,696       38,954        4,111       43,065
26*Duval          4,567,897     268,854   4,836,751            .            .    4,567,897      268,854    4,836,751
27*Escambia       1,238,240     288,144   1,526,384            .            .    1,238,240      288,144    1,526,384
28 Flagler          123,848      21,132     144,980       11,565            .      135,413       21,132      156,545
29 Franklin          18,112       8,526      26,638        6,045            .       24,157        8,526       32,683
30 Gadsden           70,522      26,084      96,606       70,628            .      141,150       26,084      167,234
31 Gilchrist         14,553       2,436      16,989       20,094            .       34,647        2,436       37,083
32 Glades             8,697       1,616      10,313       18,050        1,281       28,028        1,616       29,644
33 Gulf              14,906       8,345      23,251       16,070        2,050       33,026        8,345       41,371
34 Hamilton          28,670       9,699      38,369            .        2,377       31,047        9,699       40,746
35 Hardee            54,401      18,993      73,394       16,842            .       71,243       18,993       90,236
36 Hendry            96,661      35,605     132,266            .            .       96,661       35,605      132,266
37*Hernando         408,299      26,742     435,041            .            .      408,299       26,742      435,041
38 Highlands        267,887      67,320     335,207            .            .      267,887       67,320      335,207
39*Hillsboroug    5,067,380   2,095,739   7,163,119            .            .    5,067,380    2,095,739    7,163,119
40 Holmes            21,422       5,897      27,319       23,489        2,225       47,136        5,897       53,033
41 Indian Rive      554,692     226,138     780,830            .            .      554,692      226,138      780,830
42 Jackson           93,363      38,106     131,469       25,017        7,702      126,082       38,106      164,188
43 Jefferson         25,229       6,042      31,271       17,473            .       42,702        6,042       48,744
44 Lafayette          6,233       1,053       7,286       11,520        1,594       19,347        1,053       20,400
45 Lake             575,851     300,477     876,328            .            .      575,851      300,477      876,328
46*Lee            2,244,867     967,530   3,212,397            .            .    2,244,867      967,530    3,212,397
47*Leon             696,281     539,599   1,235,880            .            .      696,281      539,599    1,235,880
48 Levy              83,537      23,978     107,515       13,397            .       96,934       23,978      120,912
49 Liberty            5,730       1,138       6,868        9,523        2,443       17,696        1,138       18,834
50 Madison           20,755       6,116      26,871       25,910        2,374       49,039        6,116       55,155
51*Manatee        1,034,555     328,435   1,362,990            .            .    1,034,555      328,435    1,362,990
52 Marion         1,080,848     246,278   1,327,126            .            .    1,080,848      246,278    1,327,126
53 Martin         1,059,013     160,802   1,219,815            .            .    1,059,013      160,802    1,219,815
54*Monroe           703,596     347,254   1,050,850            .            .      703,596      347,254    1,050,850
55*Nassau           144,280      42,016     186,296            .            .      144,280       42,016      186,296
56*Okaloosa         562,594     271,159     833,753            .            .      562,594      271,159      833,753
57 Okeechobee       148,661      23,727     172,388            .            .      148,661       23,727      172,388
58*Orange         6,739,195   2,632,308   9,371,503            .            .    6,739,195    2,632,308    9,371,503
59*Osceola          631,007     281,730     912,737            .            .      631,007      281,730      912,737
60*Palm Beach     4,916,029   3,280,081   8,196,110            .            .    4,916,029    3,280,081    8,196,110
61 Pasco          1,218,012     135,987   1,353,999            .            .    1,218,012      135,987    1,353,999
62*Pinellas       2,751,938   2,466,684   5,218,622            .            .    2,751,938    2,466,684    5,218,622
63*Polk           1,703,541     751,215   2,454,756            .            .    1,703,541      751,215    2,454,756
64 Putnam           182,811      43,094     225,905            .            .      182,811       43,094      225,905
65*St. Johns        514,892      87,874     602,766            .            .      514,892       87,874      602,766
66*St. Lucie        377,975     314,468     692,443            .            .      377,975      314,468      692,443
67*Santa Rosa       237,520      34,968     272,488            .            .      237,520       34,968      272,488
68*Sarasota       1,726,597     559,110   2,285,707            .            .    1,726,597      559,110    2,285,707
69*Seminole       1,532,909     922,708   2,455,617            .            .    1,532,909      922,708    2,455,617
70 Sumter           113,286      27,303     140,589       30,968        7,852      152,106       27,303      179,409
71 Suwannee          85,798      20,114     105,912       19,638            .      105,436       20,114      125,550
72 Taylor            49,948      22,883      72,831            .            .       49,948       22,883       72,831
73 Union             10,130       2,980      13,110       13,966        6,439       30,535        2,980       33,515
74*Volusia        1,026,381   1,020,640   2,047,021            .            .    1,026,381    1,020,640    2,047,021
75 Wakulla           36,005       1,442      37,447       19,284            .       55,289        1,442       56,731
76*Walton           126,849      27,997     154,846            .            .      126,849       27,997      154,846
77 Washington        36,663      12,511      49,174       21,946            .       58,609       12,511       71,120
   STATE TOTAL   63,724,092  31,988,201  95,712,293      464,128       49,412   64,237,632   31,988,201   96,225,833

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