VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JANUARY,   1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: April 15, 1998
                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 1/98 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------     
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          735,427     509,033   1,244,460            .            .      735,427      509,033    1,244,460
12 Baker             36,461       9,914      46,375       26,087        3,135       65,683        9,914       75,597
13*Bay              505,716     379,279     884,995            .            .      505,716      379,279      884,995
14 Bradford          53,308      18,179      71,487        9,580        6,672       69,560       18,179       87,739
15*Brevard        1,386,892   1,076,391   2,463,283            .            .    1,386,892    1,076,391    2,463,283
16*Broward        4,681,920   6,067,658  10,749,578            .            .    4,681,920    6,067,658   10,749,578
17 Calhoun           22,712       6,825      29,537        9,600        2,081       34,393        6,825       41,218
18*Charlotte        703,499      69,571     773,070            .            .      703,499       69,571      773,070
19*Citrus           403,519      41,876     445,395            .            .      403,519       41,876      445,395
20*Clay             617,195      84,762     701,957            .            .      617,195       84,762      701,957
21*Collier        1,919,882     351,353   2,271,235            .            .    1,919,882      351,353    2,271,235
22 Columbia         240,724      51,466     292,190            .            .      240,724       51,466      292,190
23*Dade           8,537,592   4,887,157  13,424,749            .            .    8,537,592    4,887,157   13,424,749
24 DeSoto            75,238      21,708      96,946       16,545            .       91,783       21,708      113,491
25 Dixie             22,650       4,725      27,375       18,369        1,727       42,746        4,725       47,471
26*Duval          5,170,922     306,184   5,477,106            .            .    5,170,922      306,184    5,477,106
27*Escambia       1,356,851     322,120   1,678,971            .            .    1,356,851      322,120    1,678,971
28 Flagler          128,731      23,044     151,775       17,433            .      146,164       23,044      169,208
29 Franklin          18,833       8,946      27,779       11,010            .       29,843        8,946       38,789
30 Gadsden           71,479      29,109     100,588       73,844            .      145,323       29,109      174,432
31 Gilchrist         13,580       2,388      15,968       19,939        1,560       35,079        2,388       37,467
32 Glades             9,352       1,772      11,124       17,050        1,266       27,668        1,772       29,440
33 Gulf              25,459      14,823      40,282       13,675        2,303       41,437       14,823       56,260
34 Hamilton          47,457      16,335      63,792            .            .       47,457       16,335       63,792
35 Hardee            52,879      18,677      71,556       19,255            .       72,134       18,677       90,811
36 Hendry            93,198      34,339     127,537       10,378            .      103,576       34,339      137,915
37*Hernando         392,708      26,188     418,896            .            .      392,708       26,188      418,896
38 Highlands        280,780      72,357     353,137            .            .      280,780       72,357      353,137
39*Hillsboroug    5,446,647   2,276,924   7,723,571            .            .    5,446,647    2,276,924    7,723,571
40 Holmes            23,768       6,500      30,268       25,169        2,126       51,063        6,500       57,563
41 Indian Rive      540,149     221,314     761,463            .            .      540,149      221,314      761,463
42 Jackson          126,992      51,896     178,888       21,434        8,761      157,187       51,896      209,083
43 Jefferson         19,792       4,784      24,576       21,078            .       40,870        4,784       45,654
44 Lafayette          5,767         968       6,735       12,263        2,020       20,050          968       21,018
45 Lake             580,029     307,873     887,902            .            .      580,029      307,873      887,902
46*Lee            2,259,530     984,055   3,243,585            .            .    2,259,530      984,055    3,243,585
47*Leon             839,193     663,325   1,502,518            .            .      839,193      663,325    1,502,518
48 Levy              84,457      24,947     109,404       20,371            .      104,828       24,947      129,775
49 Liberty            8,392       1,567       9,959       10,176        2,545       21,113        1,567       22,680
50 Madison           26,728       8,100      34,828       27,502        2,553       56,783        8,100       64,883
51*Manatee        1,111,198     358,689   1,469,887            .            .    1,111,198      358,689    1,469,887
52 Marion         1,036,401     243,124   1,279,525            .            .    1,036,401      243,124    1,279,525
53 Martin           867,341     133,380   1,000,721            .            .      867,341      133,380    1,000,721
54*Monroe           669,657     254,595     924,252            .            .      669,657      254,595      924,252
55*Nassau           184,078      53,372     237,450            .            .      184,078       53,372      237,450
56*Okaloosa         649,297     316,925     966,222            .            .      649,297      316,925      966,222
57 Okeechobee       139,386      22,565     161,951            .            .      139,386       22,565      161,951
58*Orange         7,129,137   2,819,058   9,948,195            .            .    7,129,137    2,819,058    9,948,195
59*Osceola          753,539     338,220   1,091,759            .            .      753,539      338,220    1,091,759
60*Palm Beach     5,128,011   3,442,955   8,570,966            .            .    5,128,011    3,442,955    8,570,966
61 Pasco          1,182,702     133,121   1,315,823            .            .    1,182,702      133,121    1,315,823
62*Pinellas       2,996,569   2,691,161   5,687,730            .            .    2,996,569    2,691,161    5,687,730
63*Polk           1,882,258     830,258   2,712,516            .            .    1,882,258      830,258    2,712,516
64 Putnam           208,563      49,207     257,770            .            .      208,563       49,207      257,770
65*St. Johns        527,937      92,922     620,859            .            .      527,937       92,922      620,859
66*St. Lucie        409,270     334,971     744,241            .            .      409,270      334,971      744,241
67*Santa Rosa       238,208      35,945     274,153            .            .      238,208       35,945      274,153
68*Sarasota       1,806,882     588,226   2,395,108            .            .    1,806,882      588,226    2,395,108
69*Seminole       1,588,807     954,628   2,543,435            .            .    1,588,807      954,628    2,543,435
70 Sumter            99,129      25,492     124,621       35,866        5,900      140,895       25,492      166,387
71 Suwannee          76,664      18,801      95,465       21,685            .       98,349       18,801      117,150
72 Taylor            71,415      33,220     104,635            .            .       71,415       33,220      104,635
73 Union             15,194       4,577      19,771       14,530        6,764       36,488        4,577       41,065
74*Volusia        1,099,915   1,084,153   2,184,068            .            .    1,099,915    1,084,153    2,184,068
75 Wakulla           31,132       1,193      32,325       23,717            .       54,849        1,193       56,042
76*Walton           144,789      33,766     178,555            .            .      144,789       33,766      178,555
77 Washington        40,329      14,935      55,264       25,484            .       65,813       14,935       80,748
   STATE TOTAL   67,654,216  33,917,891 101,572,107      522,040       49,413   68,225,669   33,917,891  102,143,560

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