VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: OCTOBER,   1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: January 11, 1999
                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 10/98)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          652,849     447,370   1,100,219            .            .      652,849      447,370    1,100,219
12 Baker             31,715       8,449      40,164       20,504        3,012       55,231        8,449       63,680
13*Bay              521,168     387,719     908,887            .            .      521,168      387,719      908,887
14 Bradford          54,916      18,525      73,441        8,484        6,364       69,764       18,525       88,289
15*Brevard        1,206,050     931,513   2,137,563            .            .    1,206,050      931,513    2,137,563
16*Broward        4,009,972   5,220,008   9,229,980            .            .    4,009,972    5,220,008    9,229,980
17 Calhoun           22,579       6,530      29,109       13,951        2,003       38,533        6,530       45,063
18*Charlotte        519,649      51,496     571,145            .            .      519,649       51,496      571,145
19*Citrus           347,006      35,644     382,650            .            .      347,006       35,644      382,650
20*Clay             496,004      66,887     562,891            .            .      496,004       66,887      562,891
21*Collier        1,334,034     237,170   1,571,204            .            .    1,334,034      237,170    1,571,204
22 Columbia         208,545      44,512     253,057            .            .      208,545       44,512      253,057
23*Dade           7,080,062   4,090,692  11,170,754            .            .    7,080,062    4,090,692   11,170,754
24 DeSoto            56,761      16,009      72,770       10,009            .       66,770       16,009       82,779
25 Dixie             17,123       3,479      20,602       16,188        1,696       35,007        3,479       38,486
26*Duval          4,952,610     291,497   5,244,107            .            .    4,952,610      291,497    5,244,107
27*Escambia       1,196,518     278,435   1,474,953            .            .    1,196,518      278,435    1,474,953
28 Flagler          111,790      19,075     130,865       10,998            .      122,788       19,075      141,863
29 Franklin          23,704      11,158      34,862        5,748            .       29,452       11,158       40,610
30 Gadsden           72,255      26,725      98,980       67,163            .      139,418       26,725      166,143
31 Gilchrist         15,125       2,532      17,657       19,108            .       34,233        2,532       36,765
32 Glades             7,583       1,409       8,992       17,165        1,281       26,029        1,409       27,438
33 Gulf              21,944      12,285      34,229       15,282        2,050       39,276       12,285       51,561
34 Hamilton          37,192      12,583      49,775            .        2,377       39,569       12,583       52,152
35 Hardee            43,602      15,223      58,825       16,016            .       59,618       15,223       74,841
36 Hendry            74,758      27,537     102,295            .            .       74,758       27,537      102,295
37*Hernando         366,048      23,975     390,023            .            .      366,048       23,975      390,023
38 Highlands        221,667      55,705     277,372            .            .      221,667       55,705      277,372
39*Hillsboroug    4,957,248   2,050,191   7,007,439            .            .    4,957,248    2,050,191    7,007,439
40 Holmes            27,255       7,502      34,757       22,337        2,225       51,817        7,502       59,319
41 Indian Rive      422,164     172,109     594,273            .            .      422,164      172,109      594,273
42 Jackson          102,469      41,822     144,291       23,790        7,702      133,961       41,822      175,783
43 Jefferson         28,395       6,800      35,195       16,616            .       45,011        6,800       51,811
44 Lafayette          8,587       1,450      10,037       10,955        1,594       21,136        1,450       22,586
45 Lake             528,080     275,550     803,630            .            .      528,080      275,550      803,630
46*Lee            1,655,139     713,359   2,368,498            .            .    1,655,139      713,359    2,368,498
47*Leon             723,386     560,605   1,283,991            .            .      723,386      560,605    1,283,991
48 Levy              77,102      22,131      99,233       12,740            .       89,842       22,131      111,973
49 Liberty            8,248       1,638       9,886        9,056        2,443       19,747        1,638       21,385
50 Madison           27,702       8,163      35,865       24,639        2,374       54,715        8,163       62,878
51*Manatee          878,035     278,745   1,156,780            .            .      878,035      278,745    1,156,780
52 Marion         1,120,898     255,404   1,376,302            .            .    1,120,898      255,404    1,376,302
53 Martin           687,780     104,433     792,213            .            .      687,780      104,433      792,213
54*Monroe           384,294     189,665     573,959            .            .      384,294      189,665      573,959
55*Nassau           189,428      55,164     244,592            .            .      189,428       55,164      244,592
56*Okaloosa         621,645     299,620     921,265            .            .      621,645      299,620      921,265
57 Okeechobee       113,602      18,131     131,733            .            .      113,602       18,131      131,733
58*Orange         7,204,531   2,814,066  10,018,597            .            .    7,204,531    2,814,066   10,018,597
59*Osceola          693,262     309,525   1,002,787            .            .      693,262      309,525    1,002,787
60*Palm Beach     4,098,604   2,734,678   6,833,282            .            .    4,098,604    2,734,678    6,833,282
61 Pasco            996,898     111,300   1,108,198            .            .      996,898      111,300    1,108,198
62*Pinellas       2,503,720   2,244,195   4,747,915            .            .    2,503,720    2,244,195    4,747,915
63*Polk           1,581,854     697,555   2,279,409            .            .    1,581,854      697,555    2,279,409
64 Putnam           194,515      45,853     240,368            .            .      194,515       45,853      240,368
65*St. Johns        468,689      79,988     548,677            .            .      468,689       79,988      548,677
66*St. Lucie        370,570     308,307     678,877            .            .      370,570      308,307      678,877
67*Santa Rosa       246,300      36,260     282,560            .            .      246,300       36,260      282,560
68*Sarasota       1,375,000     445,255   1,820,255            .            .    1,375,000      445,255    1,820,255
69*Seminole       1,480,041     890,885   2,370,926            .            .    1,480,041      890,885    2,370,926
70 Sumter            83,719      20,177     103,896       29,449        7,852      121,020       20,177      141,197
71 Suwannee          79,388      18,611      97,999       18,675            .       98,063       18,611      116,674
72 Taylor            57,211      26,210      83,421            .            .       57,211       26,210       83,421
73 Union             17,316       5,094      22,410       13,281        6,439       37,036        5,094       42,130
74*Volusia        1,010,719   1,005,066   2,015,785            .            .    1,010,719    1,005,066    2,015,785
75 Wakulla           40,617       1,627      42,244       18,338            .       58,955        1,627       60,582
76*Walton           175,371      38,706     214,077            .            .      175,371       38,706      214,077
77 Washington        31,292      10,678      41,970       20,869            .       52,161       10,678       62,839
   STATE TOTAL   58,974,303  29,250,660  88,224,963      441,361       49,412   59,465,076   29,250,660   88,715,736

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