VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MARCH,     2001                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: August 25, 2001

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          708,871     475,832   1,184,703            .            .      708,871      475,832    1,184,703
12 Baker             36,893       9,642      46,534       30,960        2,803       70,656        9,642       80,297
13*Bay              531,916     395,300     927,216            .            .      531,916      395,300      927,216
14 Bradford          59,359      19,727      79,086       18,062        6,505       83,926       19,727      103,653
15*Brevard        1,437,153   1,104,959   2,542,112            .            .    1,437,153    1,104,959    2,542,112
16*Broward        4,950,797   6,626,649  11,577,445            .            .    4,950,797    6,626,649   11,577,445
17 Calhoun           21,716       5,754      27,470       23,452        2,299       47,466        5,754       53,221
18*Charlotte        770,499      80,110     850,609            .            .      770,499       80,110      850,609
19*Citrus           442,111      45,129     487,240            .            .      442,111       45,129      487,240
20*Clay             522,170      67,011     589,181            .            .      522,170       67,011      589,181
21*Collier        2,480,274     405,978   2,886,252            .            .    2,480,274      405,978    2,886,252
22 Columbia         221,355      45,636     266,990            .            .      221,355       45,636      266,990
23*Dade           8,873,258   5,034,191  13,907,449            .            .    8,873,258    5,034,191   13,907,449
24 DeSoto            89,089      23,688     112,776       17,476            .      106,565       23,688      130,253
25 Dixie             19,550       3,796      23,346       24,376            .       43,926        3,796       47,722
26*Duval          5,598,270     327,722   5,925,992            .            .    5,598,270      327,722    5,925,992
27*Escambia       1,318,913     297,283   1,616,196            .            .    1,318,913      297,283    1,616,196
28 Flagler           85,189      96,275     181,464            .            .       85,189       96,275      181,464
29 Franklin          26,332      12,124      38,456        8,531            .       34,862       12,124       46,987
30 Gadsden           77,470      28,364     105,834       96,681            .      174,152       28,364      202,515
31 Gilchrist         15,365       2,423      17,788       27,854            .       43,219        2,423       45,642
32 Glades            11,702       1,999      13,702       23,524        1,298       36,524        1,999       38,524
33 Gulf              16,996       9,238      26,234       23,552        2,150       42,699        9,238       51,937
34 Hamilton          15,757       5,240      20,997       10,418        3,221       29,396        5,240       34,636
35 Hardee            56,970      19,673      76,643       23,939            .       80,909       19,673      100,582
36 Hendry           122,473      44,817     167,290            .            .      122,473       44,817      167,290
37*Hernando         445,891      28,575     474,466            .            .      445,891       28,575      474,466
38 Highlands        325,667      80,072     405,739            .            .      325,667       80,072      405,739
39*Hillsboroug    5,860,075   2,389,153   8,249,229            .            .    5,860,075    2,389,153    8,249,229
40 Holmes            27,392       7,174      34,567       34,674            .       62,066        7,174       69,240
41 Indian Rive      574,081     233,808     807,889            .            .      574,081      233,808      807,889
42 Jackson          109,233      44,579     153,812       43,795        8,503      161,531       44,579      206,110
43 Jefferson         21,962       5,109      27,072       19,226            .       41,188        5,109       46,298
44 Lafayette          7,023       1,155       8,178       14,039        1,463       22,525        1,155       23,680
45 Lake             705,610     359,081   1,064,691            .            .      705,610      359,081    1,064,691
46*Lee            2,247,450   1,129,860   3,377,310            .            .    2,247,450    1,129,860    3,377,310
47*Leon             804,311     616,942   1,421,253            .            .      804,311      616,942    1,421,253
48 Levy              86,845      24,972     111,817       26,768            .      113,614       24,972      138,586
49 Liberty            8,176       1,513       9,689       15,372        2,448       25,996        1,513       27,509
50 Madison           27,891       7,889      35,780       35,253        2,586       65,730        7,889       73,619
51*Manatee        1,200,046     369,688   1,569,734            .            .    1,200,046      369,688    1,569,734
52 Marion         1,150,057     259,581   1,409,638            .            .    1,150,057      259,581    1,409,638
53 Martin           925,858     134,278   1,060,136            .            .      925,858      134,278    1,060,136
54*Monroe           716,431     482,429   1,198,860            .            .      716,431      482,429    1,198,860
55*Nassau           229,789      64,342     294,130            .            .      229,789       64,342      294,130
56*Okaloosa         664,544     316,259     980,803            .            .      664,544      316,259      980,803
57 Okeechobee       149,745      23,635     173,380            .            .      149,745       23,635      173,380
58*Orange         8,522,459   3,336,072  11,858,531            .            .    8,522,459    3,336,072   11,858,531
59*Osceola          823,814     357,013   1,180,827            .            .      823,814      357,013    1,180,827
60*Palm Beach     5,449,819   3,645,419   9,095,238            .            .    5,449,819    3,645,419    9,095,238
61 Pasco          1,299,271     141,489   1,440,761            .            .    1,299,271      141,489    1,440,761
62*Pinellas       3,023,868   2,703,743   5,727,611            .            .    3,023,868    2,703,743    5,727,611
63*Polk           1,977,970     852,100   2,830,069            .            .    1,977,970      852,100    2,830,069
64 Putnam           186,180      42,985     229,165            .            .      186,180       42,985      229,165
65*St. Johns        625,377     102,203     727,580            .            .      625,377      102,203      727,580
66*St. Lucie        471,099     394,482     865,581            .            .      471,099      394,482      865,581
67*Santa Rosa       299,629      41,647     341,276            .            .      299,629       41,647      341,276
68*Sarasota       2,085,789     674,549   2,760,338            .            .    2,085,789      674,549    2,760,338
69*Seminole       1,534,933     929,413   2,464,346            .            .    1,534,933      929,413    2,464,346
70 Sumter           120,581      25,729     146,311       62,200        9,096      191,878       25,729      217,608
71 Suwannee          95,580      21,733     117,313       28,292            .      123,872       21,733      145,605
72 Taylor            51,564      22,897      74,460            .            .       51,564       22,897       74,460
73 Union             14,611       3,981      18,592       19,081        7,039       40,731        3,981       44,712
74*Volusia        1,356,669   1,353,365   2,710,034            .            .    1,356,669    1,353,365    2,710,034
75 Wakulla           37,502       1,446      38,948       29,693            .       67,195        1,446       68,641
76*Walton           187,415      37,508     224,923            .            .      187,415       37,508      224,923
77 Washington        39,598      12,274      51,872       33,747            .       73,345       12,274       85,620
   STATE TOTAL   73,002,253  36,468,702 109,470,955      690,965       49,413   73,742,631   36,468,702  110,211,333

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