VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MARCH,     2000                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: May 31, 2000

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                             (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 3/2000)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          678,898     460,947   1,139,845            .            .      678,898      460,947    1,139,845
12 Baker             38,342      10,197      48,539       25,913            .       64,255       10,197       74,452
13*Bay              552,555     410,367     962,922            .            .      552,555      410,367      962,922
14 Bradford          60,334      20,061      80,395        9,596        7,641       77,571       20,061       97,632
15*Brevard        1,423,520   1,099,640   2,523,160            .            .    1,423,520    1,099,640    2,523,160
16*Broward        4,814,264   6,372,690  11,186,954            .            .    4,814,264    6,372,690   11,186,954
17 Calhoun           23,749       6,552      30,301       16,113        2,284       42,146        6,552       48,698
18*Charlotte        739,934      73,267     813,201            .            .      739,934       73,267      813,201
19*Citrus           423,849      43,924     467,773            .            .      423,849       43,924      467,773
20*Clay             512,858      66,547     579,405            .            .      512,858       66,547      579,405
21*Collier        2,365,730     404,222   2,769,952            .            .    2,365,730      404,222    2,769,952
22 Columbia         233,037      48,616     281,653            .            .      233,037       48,616      281,653
23*Dade           8,573,558   4,920,223  13,493,781            .            .    8,573,558    4,920,223   13,493,781
24 DeSoto            81,534      21,873     103,407       12,577            .       94,111       21,873      115,984
25 Dixie             20,513       4,032      24,545       20,073            .       40,586        4,032       44,618
26*Duval          5,467,326     619,849   6,087,175            .            .    5,467,326      619,849    6,087,175
27*Escambia       1,351,413     311,563   1,662,976            .            .    1,351,413      311,563    1,662,976
28 Flagler           84,505      95,825     180,330       19,748            .      104,253       95,825      200,078
29 Franklin          27,797      13,012      40,809        6,984            .       34,781       13,012       47,793
30 Gadsden           75,069      27,302     102,371       81,925            .      156,994       27,302      184,296
31 Gilchrist         15,673       2,554      18,227       23,150            .       38,823        2,554       41,377
32 Glades             9,748       1,785      11,533       19,869        1,502       31,119        1,785       32,904
33 Gulf              23,403      12,937      36,340       18,541        2,526       44,470       12,937       57,407
34 Hamilton          26,646       8,915      35,561            .        3,235       29,881        8,915       38,796
35 Hardee            56,291      19,471      75,762       18,631            .       74,922       19,471       94,393
36 Hendry           119,045      43,451     162,496            .            .      119,045       43,451      162,496
37*Hernando         421,280      27,170     448,450            .            .      421,280       27,170      448,450
38 Highlands        322,452      80,351     402,803            .            .      322,452       80,351      402,803
39*Hillsboroug    5,794,589   2,386,797   8,181,386            .            .    5,794,589    2,386,797    8,181,386
40 Holmes            29,575       8,055      37,630       26,786            .       56,361        8,055       64,416
41 Indian Rive      558,535     228,036     786,571            .            .      558,535      228,036      786,571
42 Jackson          115,261      46,716     161,977       30,082        9,638      154,981       46,716      201,697
43 Jefferson         31,063       7,348      38,411       18,058            .       49,121        7,348       56,469
44 Lafayette          8,043       1,367       9,410       12,278        1,820       22,141        1,367       23,508
45 Lake             706,559     366,073   1,072,632            .            .      706,559      366,073    1,072,632
46*Lee            2,544,487   1,285,143   3,829,630            .            .    2,544,487    1,285,143    3,829,630
47*Leon             786,355     604,738   1,391,093            .            .      786,355      604,738    1,391,093
48 Levy              89,743      25,309     115,052       17,572            .      107,315       25,309      132,624
49 Liberty            9,153       1,735      10,888       11,661        2,566       23,380        1,735       25,115
50 Madison           29,084       8,388      37,472       29,511            .       58,595        8,388       66,983
51*Manatee        1,137,896     353,768   1,491,664            .            .    1,137,896      353,768    1,491,664
52 Marion         1,136,165     259,488   1,395,653            .            .    1,136,165      259,488    1,395,653
53 Martin           865,797     132,697     998,494            .            .      865,797      132,697      998,494
54*Monroe           677,986     462,836   1,140,822            .            .      677,986      462,836    1,140,822
55*Nassau           228,162      65,014     293,176            .            .      228,162       65,014      293,176
56*Okaloosa         672,451     321,882     994,333            .            .      672,451      321,882      994,333
57 Okeechobee       150,872      23,924     174,796            .            .      150,872       23,924      174,796
58*Orange         8,147,217   3,176,192  11,323,409            .            .    8,147,217    3,176,192   11,323,409
59*Osceola          845,853     368,790   1,214,643            .            .      845,853      368,790    1,214,643
60*Palm Beach     5,326,878   3,553,962   8,880,840            .            .    5,326,878    3,553,962    8,880,840
61 Pasco          1,271,425     140,493   1,411,918            .            .    1,271,425      140,493    1,411,918
62*Pinellas       3,003,792   2,687,225   5,691,017            .            .    3,003,792    2,687,225    5,691,017
63*Polk           1,934,008     843,877   2,777,885            .            .    1,934,008      843,877    2,777,885
64 Putnam           192,883      44,854     237,737            .            .      192,883       44,854      237,737
65*St. Johns        659,232     109,286     768,518            .            .      659,232      109,286      768,518
66*St. Lucie        455,749     378,984     834,733            .            .      455,749      378,984      834,733
67*Santa Rosa       277,865      39,432     317,297            .            .      277,865       39,432      317,297
68*Sarasota       1,955,473     634,133   2,589,606            .            .    1,955,473      634,133    2,589,606
69*Seminole       1,544,686     937,018   2,481,704            .            .    1,544,686      937,018    2,481,704
70 Sumter           108,219      24,343     132,562       46,479       10,366      165,064       24,343      189,407
71 Suwannee          95,472      22,043     117,515       22,553            .      118,025       22,043      140,068
72 Taylor            40,170      18,064      58,234            .            .       40,170       18,064       58,234
73 Union             15,916       4,543      20,459       14,867        7,836       38,619        4,543       43,162
74*Volusia        1,424,876   1,424,740   2,849,616            .            .    1,424,876    1,424,740    2,849,616
75 Wakulla           40,770       1,670      42,440       22,488            .       63,258        1,670       64,928
76*Walton           206,033      43,663     249,696            .            .      206,033       43,663      249,696
77 Washington        43,970      14,299      58,269       27,295            .       71,265       14,299       85,564
   STATE TOTAL   71,705,586  36,284,268 107,989,854      552,750       49,414   72,307,750   36,284,268  108,592,018

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