VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JANUARY,   2000                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: May 19, 2000

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                             (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 1/2000)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          833,440     565,875   1,399,315            .            .      833,440      565,875    1,399,315
12 Baker             41,905      11,145      53,050       27,910            .       69,815       11,145       80,960
13*Bay              570,472     423,674     994,146            .            .      570,472      423,674      994,146
14 Bradford          62,915      20,919      83,834       11,784        7,641       82,340       20,919      103,259
15*Brevard        1,542,824   1,191,800   2,734,624            .            .    1,542,824    1,191,800    2,734,624
16*Broward        5,524,912   7,313,383  12,838,295            .            .    5,524,912    7,313,383   12,838,295
17 Calhoun           22,864       6,308      29,172       17,375        2,284       42,523        6,308       48,831
18*Charlotte        790,521      78,276     868,797            .            .      790,521       78,276      868,797
19*Citrus           432,981      44,870     477,851            .            .      432,981       44,870      477,851
20*Clay             656,756      85,219     741,975            .            .      656,756       85,219      741,975
21*Collier        2,291,143     391,477   2,682,620            .            .    2,291,143      391,477    2,682,620
22 Columbia         236,427      49,323     285,750            .            .      236,427       49,323      285,750
23*Dade           9,663,949   5,545,980  15,209,929            .            .    9,663,949    5,545,980   15,209,929
24 DeSoto            83,621      22,433     106,054       15,236            .       98,857       22,433      121,290
25 Dixie             20,757       4,080      24,837       21,324            .       42,081        4,080       46,161
26*Duval          6,002,655     351,167   6,353,822            .            .    6,002,655      351,167    6,353,822
27*Escambia       1,493,001     344,206   1,837,207            .            .    1,493,001      344,206    1,837,207
28 Flagler          152,973      25,119     178,092       24,157            .      177,130       25,119      202,249
29 Franklin          25,468      11,921      37,389        8,054            .       33,522       11,921       45,443
30 Gadsden           78,233      28,452     106,685       86,833            .      165,066       28,452      193,518
31 Gilchrist         20,734       3,378      24,112       24,395            .       45,129        3,378       48,507
32 Glades            10,254       1,877      12,131       20,796        3,004       34,054        1,877       35,931
33 Gulf              22,194      12,269      34,463       19,860        3,549       45,603       12,269       57,872
34 Hamilton          29,086       9,732      38,818            .        3,945       33,031        9,732       42,763
35 Hardee            52,047      18,003      70,050       20,794            .       72,841       18,003       90,844
36 Hendry           100,388      36,642     137,030            .            .      100,388       36,642      137,030
37*Hernando         447,084      28,834     475,918            .            .      447,084       28,834      475,918
38 Highlands        313,840      78,205     392,045            .            .      313,840       78,205      392,045
39*Hillsboroug    6,496,597   2,675,956   9,172,553            .            .    6,496,597    2,675,956    9,172,553
40 Holmes            25,071       6,828      31,899       28,486            .       53,557        6,828       60,385
41 Indian Rive      629,152     256,867     886,019            .            .      629,152      256,867      886,019
42 Jackson          121,169      49,110     170,279       34,636       16,040      171,845       49,110      220,955
43 Jefferson         27,800       6,576      34,376       19,408            .       47,208        6,576       53,784
44 Lafayette          7,256       1,233       8,489        6,898            .       14,154        1,233       15,387
45 Lake             706,322     365,950   1,072,272            .            .      706,322      365,950    1,072,272
46*Lee            2,708,610   1,163,060   3,871,670            .            .    2,708,610    1,163,060    3,871,670
47*Leon             953,560     733,325   1,686,885            .            .      953,560      733,325    1,686,885
48 Levy              87,235      24,602     111,837       20,842            .      108,077       24,602      132,679
49 Liberty            7,592       1,440       9,032       12,314        3,312       23,218        1,440       24,658
50 Madison           31,509       9,087      40,596       28,766            .       60,275        9,087       69,362
51*Manatee        1,211,828     376,754   1,588,582            .            .    1,211,828      376,754    1,588,582
52 Marion         1,203,092     274,773   1,477,865            .            .    1,203,092      274,773    1,477,865
53 Martin           991,914     152,027   1,143,941            .            .      991,914      152,027    1,143,941
54*Monroe           603,387     411,910   1,015,297            .            .      603,387      411,910    1,015,297
55*Nassau           193,633      55,175     248,808            .            .      193,633       55,175      248,808
56*Okaloosa         715,530     342,503   1,058,033            .            .      715,530      342,503    1,058,033
57 Okeechobee       145,124      23,012     168,136            .            .      145,124       23,012      168,136
58*Orange         8,378,747   3,266,454  11,645,201            .            .    8,378,747    3,266,454   11,645,201
59*Osceola          803,342     350,255   1,153,597            .            .      803,342      350,255    1,153,597
60*Palm Beach     5,803,811   3,872,160   9,675,971            .            .    5,803,811    3,872,160    9,675,971
61 Pasco          1,315,148     145,325   1,460,473            .            .    1,315,148      145,325    1,460,473
62*Pinellas       3,316,303   2,966,801   6,283,104            .            .    3,316,303    2,966,801    6,283,104
63*Polk           2,080,703     907,885   2,988,588            .            .    2,080,703      907,885    2,988,588
64 Putnam           206,318      47,979     254,297            .            .      206,318       47,979      254,297
65*St. Johns        632,322     104,825     737,147            .            .      632,322      104,825      737,147
66*St. Lucie        447,732     372,318     820,050            .            .      447,732      372,318      820,050
67*Santa Rosa       278,032      39,456     317,488            .            .      278,032       39,456      317,488
68*Sarasota       2,120,663     687,702   2,808,365            .            .    2,120,663      687,702    2,808,365
69*Seminole       1,899,100   1,152,008   3,051,108            .            .    1,899,100    1,152,008    3,051,108
70 Sumter           107,274      24,131     131,405       50,818       10,366      168,458       24,131      192,589
71 Suwannee          89,391      20,639     110,030       25,977            .      115,368       20,639      136,007
72 Taylor            55,765      25,077      80,842            .            .       55,765       25,077       80,842
73 Union             14,960       4,270      19,230       15,838        7,836       38,634        4,270       42,904
74*Volusia        1,273,352   1,273,230   2,546,582            .            .    1,273,352    1,273,230    2,546,582
75 Wakulla           40,409       1,626      42,035       24,438            .       64,847        1,626       66,473
76*Walton           200,262      42,400     242,662            .            .      200,262       42,400      242,662
77 Washington        45,799      14,894      60,693       29,330            .       75,129       14,894       90,023
   STATE TOTAL   77,499,258  38,954,190 116,453,448      596,269       57,977   78,153,504   38,954,190  117,107,694

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