How can I calculate my property taxes?

This simple equation illustrates how to calculate your property taxes:

Just Value     -      Assessment Limits   =    Assessed Value
Assessed Value  -     Exemptions     =    Taxable Value
Taxable Value    X     Millage Rate      =     Total Tax Liability

For example, a homestead has a just value of $300,000, an accumulated $40,000 in Save Our Homes (SOH) protections, and a homestead exemption of $25,000 plus the additional $25,000 on non-school taxes. The millage is 7 mills for county schools and 11 mills for all non-school taxing authorities combined (city, county, and special districts).

$300,000 (Just Value)    
- $40,000 (Accumulated SOH)    
$260,000(Assessed Value)

$260,000 (Assessed Value)
- $25,000 (Exemption)
$235,000 (Taxable Value)              X             0.007 (Millage)  =             $1,645 (School Taxes)

$260,000 (Assessed Value)
- $50,000 (Exemption)
$210,000 (Taxable Value)              X             0.011 (Millage)  =             $2,310 (Non-school Taxes)

$1,645 (School Taxes)
+ $2,310 (Non-school Taxes)
$3,955 (Total Taxes)

Category: Property Tax
Sub-Category: Tax Payment, Tax Deferral, Installment Plan, TRIM
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