PART 1: HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                             OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                                   (Fiscal Year 1996)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total      Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.    Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.     to County    To city    to Cities
                    Govts.      Govts.                218.65(1)     218.65(6)      Govts.       Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua        7,267,891   5,021,795  12,289,686            .            .    7,267,891    5,021,795   12,289,686
12 Baker            364,861     100,990     465,851      275,626       27,060      667,547      100,990      768,537
13*Bay            6,069,042   4,514,585  10,583,627            .            .    6,069,042    4,514,585   10,583,627
14 Bradford         631,665     224,390     856,055      123,214       65,628      820,507      224,390    1,044,897
15*Brevard       13,031,017  10,205,338  23,236,355            .            .   13,031,017   10,205,338   23,236,355
16*Broward       47,257,940  59,320,672 106,578,612            .            .   47,257,940   59,320,672  106,578,612
17 Calhoun          293,189      87,986     381,175      127,429       14,400      435,018       87,986      523,004
18*Charlotte      6,046,302     600,528   6,646,830            .            .    6,046,302      600,528    6,646,830
19*Citrus         3,709,366     399,529   4,108,895            .            .    3,709,366      399,529    4,108,895
20*Clay           5,157,000     745,980   5,902,980            .            .    5,157,000      745,980    5,902,980
21*Collier       16,356,556   1,978,371  18,334,927            .            .   16,356,556    1,978,371   18,334,927
22 Columbia       2,292,415     521,347   2,813,762            .            .    2,292,415      521,347    2,813,762
23*Dade          83,291,134  46,313,066 129,604,200            .            .   83,291,134   46,313,066  129,604,200
24 DeSoto           773,963     228,196   1,002,159      180,684            .      954,647      228,196    1,182,843
25 Dixie            210,312      46,428     256,740      187,663       18,420      416,395       46,428      462,823
26*Duval         51,526,058   3,025,321  54,551,379            .            .   51,526,058    3,025,321   54,551,379
27*Escambia      14,329,860   3,493,566  17,823,426            .            .   14,329,860    3,493,566   17,823,426
28 Flagler        1,186,641     231,132   1,417,773       98,832            .    1,285,473      231,132    1,516,605
29 Franklin         266,397     129,083     395,480       83,968            .      350,365      129,083      479,448
30 Gadsden          756,542     364,174   1,120,716      700,933            .    1,457,475      364,174    1,821,649
31 Gilchrist        155,689      41,228     196,917      211,610       15,156      382,455       41,228      423,683
32 Glades           101,017      19,982     120,999      194,232            .      295,249       19,982      315,231
33 Gulf             284,000     182,454     466,454      123,801       19,728      427,529      182,454      609,983
34 Hamilton         424,921     157,848     582,769            .            .      424,921      157,848      582,769
35 Hardee           584,659     206,465     791,124      110,106            .      694,765      206,465      901,230
36 Hendry           879,605     328,204   1,207,809      154,144            .    1,033,749      328,204    1,361,953
37*Hernando       3,781,030     261,914   4,042,944            .            .    3,781,030      261,914    4,042,944
38 Highlands      2,741,276     727,493   3,468,769            .            .    2,741,276      727,493    3,468,769
39*Hillsboroug   51,081,967  21,723,804  72,805,771            .            .   51,081,967   21,723,804   72,805,771
40 Holmes           294,137      79,596     373,733      230,780            .      524,917       79,596      604,513
41 Indian Rive    4,219,404   1,739,278   5,958,682            .            .    4,219,404    1,739,278    5,958,682
42 Jackson        1,282,955     506,557   1,789,512      179,545       53,832    1,516,332      506,557    2,022,889
43 Jefferson        261,470      62,723     324,193      197,350            .      458,820       62,723      521,543
44 Lafayette         72,580      13,994      86,574      113,712       12,312      198,604       13,994      212,598
45 Lake           5,321,469   2,875,149   8,196,618            .            .    5,321,469    2,875,149    8,196,618
46*Lee           19,406,718   8,369,439  27,776,157            .            .   19,406,718    8,369,439   27,776,157
47 Leon           8,132,150   6,481,279  14,613,429            .            .    8,132,150    6,481,279   14,613,429
48 Levy             778,946     240,754   1,019,700      303,476            .    1,082,422      240,754    1,323,176
49 Liberty          113,350      22,057     135,407      100,180       19,512      233,042       22,057      255,099
50 Madison          316,271      99,404     415,675      287,532            .      603,803       99,404      703,207
51*Manatee       10,080,546   3,325,501  13,406,047            .            .   10,080,546    3,325,501   13,406,047
52 Marion        10,102,310   2,485,682  12,587,992            .            .   10,102,310    2,485,682   12,587,992
53 Martin         7,546,019   1,171,929   8,717,948            .            .    7,546,019    1,171,929    8,717,948
54*Monroe         6,468,658   2,447,484   8,916,142            .            .    6,468,658    2,447,484    8,916,142
55*Nassau         1,874,243     560,400   2,434,643            .            .    1,874,243      560,400    2,434,643
56*Okaloosa       7,274,210   3,597,335  10,871,545            .            .    7,274,210    3,597,335   10,871,545
57 Okeechobee     1,224,596     200,981   1,425,577            .            .    1,224,596      200,981    1,425,577
58*Orange        69,798,441  28,302,827  98,101,268            .            .   69,798,441   28,302,827   98,101,268
59*Osceola        7,352,053   3,251,675  10,603,728            .            .    7,352,053    3,251,675   10,603,728
60*Palm Beach    46,624,534  30,429,719  77,054,253            .            .   46,624,534   30,429,719   77,054,253
61 Pasco         10,915,913   1,256,966  12,172,879            .            .   10,915,913    1,256,966   12,172,879
62*Pinellas      28,206,544  25,416,592  53,623,136            .            .   28,206,544   25,416,592   53,623,136
63*Polk          17,645,704   7,912,751  25,558,455            .            .   17,645,704    7,912,751   25,558,455
64 Putnam         2,097,527     501,432   2,598,959            .            .    2,097,527      501,432    2,598,959
65*St. Johns      5,030,810     931,261   5,962,071            .            .    5,030,810      931,261    5,962,071
66*St. Lucie      4,423,040   3,560,178   7,983,218            .            .    4,423,040    3,560,178    7,983,218
67*Santa Rosa     2,599,903     413,087   3,012,990            .            .    2,599,903      413,087    3,012,990
68*Sarasota      16,023,890   5,237,541  21,261,431            .            .   16,023,890    5,237,541   21,261,431
69*Seminole      13,767,151   8,215,350  21,982,501            .            .   13,767,151    8,215,350   21,982,501
70 Sumter           831,726     228,752   1,060,478      290,131            .    1,121,857      228,752    1,350,609
71 Suwannee         850,113     229,867   1,079,980      196,982            .    1,047,095      229,867    1,276,962
72 Taylor           650,518     311,819     962,337            .            .      650,518      311,819      962,337
73 Union            163,320      54,687     218,007      141,418       68,568      373,306       54,687      427,993
74*Volusia       12,129,266  10,247,232  22,376,498            .            .   12,129,266   10,247,232   22,376,498
75 Wakulla          360,009      15,288     375,297      260,471            .      620,480       15,288      635,768
76*Walton         1,870,870     447,719   2,318,589            .            .    1,870,870      447,719    2,318,589
77 Washington       393,307     149,528     542,835      281,712            .      675,019      149,528      824,547
   STATE TOTAL  647,356,986 322,595,682 969,952,668    5,155,531      314,616  652,827,133  322,595,682  975,422,815

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