VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: Fiscal Year 2001                                                        FORM-5b
REPORT DATE: August 31, 2001

                                        STATE DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                             OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                         (YTD DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total      Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.    Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.     to County    To city    to Cities
                    Govts.      Govts.                218.65(1)     218.65(6)      Govts.       Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua        8,939,211   5,465,406  14,404,617            .            .    8,939,211    5,465,406   14,404,617
12 Baker            460,231     120,504     580,735      369,562       33,637      863,430      120,504      983,934
13*Bay            7,598,116   5,645,875  13,243,991            .            .    7,598,116    5,645,875   13,243,991
14 Bradford         737,958     245,262     983,220      219,442       78,059    1,035,459      245,262    1,280,721
15*Brevard       17,956,359  13,816,222  31,772,581            .            .   17,956,359   13,816,222   31,772,581
16*Broward       60,676,057  80,940,885 141,616,942            .            .   60,676,057   80,940,885  141,616,942
17 Calhoun          241,600      64,780     306,380      278,960       27,590      548,149       64,780      612,929
18*Charlotte      8,624,915     890,494   9,515,410            .            .    8,624,915      890,494    9,515,410
19*Citrus         5,295,613     541,817   5,837,430            .            .    5,295,613      541,817    5,837,430
20*Clay           7,001,524     900,160   7,901,684            .            .    7,001,524      900,160    7,901,684
21*Collier       25,195,185   4,147,991  29,343,177            .            .   25,195,185    4,147,991   29,343,177
22 Columbia       2,890,153     597,075   3,487,228            .            .    2,890,153      597,075    3,487,228
23*Dade         106,187,640  60,353,897 166,541,537            .            .  106,187,640   60,353,897  166,541,537
24 DeSoto         1,035,276     275,637   1,310,912      214,411            .    1,249,687      275,637    1,525,323
25 Dixie            273,254      53,170     326,424      289,654            .      562,908       53,170      616,078
26*Duval         67,107,084   3,928,014  71,035,098            .            .   67,107,084    3,928,014   71,035,098
27*Escambia      16,626,922   3,762,783  20,389,704            .            .   16,626,922    3,762,783   20,389,704
28 Flagler        1,094,482   1,237,588   2,332,070            .            .    1,094,482    1,237,588    2,332,070
29 Franklin         418,090     193,218     611,309      103,776            .      521,866      193,218      715,084
30 Gadsden          903,461     330,397   1,233,858    1,148,504            .    2,051,965      330,397    2,382,361
31 Gilchrist        239,276      37,957     277,232      330,326            .      569,602       37,957      607,558
32 Glades           138,934      24,003     162,937      278,388       15,580      432,902       24,003      456,904
33 Gulf             248,269     135,368     383,638      280,276       25,803      554,347      135,368      689,716
34 Hamilton         247,494      82,405     329,899      126,557       38,652      412,703       82,405      495,109
35 Hardee           627,445     216,734     844,179      287,900            .      915,346      216,734    1,132,079
36 Hendry         1,285,388     470,174   1,755,561            .            .    1,285,388      470,174    1,755,561
37*Hernando       5,181,177     332,359   5,513,537            .            .    5,181,177      332,359    5,513,537
38 Highlands      3,532,194     870,245   4,402,439            .            .    3,532,194      870,245    4,402,439
39*Hillsboroug   70,320,541  28,717,197  99,037,738            .            .   70,320,541   28,717,197   99,037,738
40 Holmes           317,685      83,741     401,426      411,913            .      729,598       83,741      813,338
41 Indian Rive    6,462,474   2,632,933   9,095,407            .            .    6,462,474    2,632,933    9,095,407
42 Jackson        1,376,290     561,019   1,937,308      528,893      102,034    2,007,217      561,019    2,568,236
43 Jefferson        332,737      77,604     410,341      229,847            .      562,584       77,604      640,188
44 Lafayette         90,253      14,929     105,182      166,404       17,560      274,216       14,929      289,145
45 Lake           8,092,120   4,129,378  12,221,498            .            .    8,092,120    4,129,378   12,221,498
46*Lee           29,309,143  14,744,445  44,053,588            .            .   29,309,143   14,744,445   44,053,588
47*Leon          10,158,821   7,795,495  17,954,316            .            .   10,158,821    7,795,495   17,954,316
48 Levy           1,101,043     315,608   1,416,652      325,486            .    1,426,529      315,608    1,742,138
49 Liberty          101,705      18,901     120,606      182,192       29,376      313,273       18,901      332,174
50 Madison          381,541     108,291     489,832      418,912       31,033      831,485      108,291      939,776
51*Manatee       14,058,098   4,336,605  18,394,703            .            .   14,058,098    4,336,605   18,394,703
52 Marion        14,113,886   3,191,667  17,305,553            .            .   14,113,886    3,191,667   17,305,553
53 Martin        10,444,495   1,527,351  11,971,846            .            .   10,444,495    1,527,351   11,971,846
54*Monroe         7,220,768   4,872,755  12,093,523            .            .    7,220,768    4,872,755   12,093,523
55*Nassau         2,665,184     748,563   3,413,748            .            .    2,665,184      748,563    3,413,748
56*Okaloosa       9,563,779   4,556,835  14,120,614            .            .    9,563,779    4,556,835   14,120,614
57 Okeechobee     1,565,328     247,239   1,812,567            .            .    1,565,328      247,239    1,812,567
58*Orange       103,371,530  40,436,195 143,807,725            .            .  103,371,530   40,436,195  143,807,725
59*Osceola        9,994,642   4,336,044  14,330,686            .            .    9,994,642    4,336,044   14,330,686
60*Palm Beach    62,234,282  41,613,146 103,847,428            .            .   62,234,282   41,613,146  103,847,428
61 Pasco         15,366,795   1,677,189  17,043,984            .            .   15,366,795    1,677,189   17,043,984
62*Pinellas      36,009,099  32,199,723  68,208,822            .            .   36,009,099   32,199,723   68,208,822
63*Polk          22,541,329   9,730,304  32,271,633            .            .   22,541,329    9,730,304   32,271,633
64 Putnam         2,350,066     543,198   2,893,264            .            .    2,350,066      543,198    2,893,264
65*St. Johns      7,958,929   1,303,769   9,262,698            .            .    7,958,929    1,303,769    9,262,698
66*St. Lucie      5,520,860   4,618,094  10,138,954            .            .    5,520,860    4,618,094   10,138,954
67*Santa Rosa     3,562,406     496,970   4,059,376            .            .    3,562,406      496,970    4,059,376
68*Sarasota      22,727,208   7,352,930  30,080,138            .            .   22,727,208    7,352,930   30,080,138
69*Seminole      19,276,192  11,675,359  30,951,552            .            .   19,276,192   11,675,359   30,951,552
70 Sumter         1,346,532     289,816   1,636,348      744,363      109,155    2,200,050      289,816    2,489,866
71 Suwannee       1,105,033     251,899   1,356,931      343,778            .    1,448,810      251,899    1,700,709
72 Taylor           670,731     298,555     969,287            .            .      670,731      298,555      969,287
73 Union            195,598      53,785     249,383      226,764       84,470      506,833       53,785      560,618
74*Volusia       15,083,167  15,052,301  30,135,468            .            .   15,083,167   15,052,301   30,135,468
75 Wakulla          505,980      19,651     525,631      354,586            .      860,566       19,651      880,217
76*Walton         2,905,637     672,630   3,578,267            .            .    2,905,637      672,630    3,578,267
77 Washington       463,539     144,865     608,403      402,351            .      865,890      144,865    1,010,754
   STATE TOTAL  871,628,753 437,127,397  1308756150    8,263,244      592,948  880,484,945  437,127,3971,317,612,342

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