VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: AUGUST, 1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: November 10, 1998

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 8/98 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          645,484     446,778   1,092,262            .            .      645,484      446,778    1,092,262
12 Baker             36,438       9,908      46,346       21,329        3,012       60,779        9,908       70,687
13*Bay              715,110     536,322   1,251,432            .            .      715,110      536,322    1,251,432
14 Bradford          65,786      22,435      88,221        8,825        6,364       80,975       22,435      103,410
15*Brevard        1,224,343     950,233   2,174,576            .            .    1,224,343      950,233    2,174,576
16*Broward        4,104,056   5,318,760   9,422,816            .            .    4,104,056    5,318,760    9,422,816
17 Calhoun           23,327       7,009      30,336       14,512        2,003       39,842        7,009       46,851
18*Charlotte        508,604      50,297     558,901            .            .      508,604       50,297      558,901
19*Citrus           357,937      37,146     395,083            .            .      357,937       37,146      395,083
20*Clay             500,914      68,793     569,707            .            .      500,914       68,793      569,707
21*Collier        1,263,125     231,161   1,494,286            .            .    1,263,125      231,161    1,494,286
22 Columbia         230,863      49,358     280,221            .            .      230,863       49,358      280,221
23*Dade           7,379,944   4,295,657  11,675,601            .            .    7,379,944    4,295,657   11,675,601
24 DeSoto            60,569      17,476      78,045       10,412            .       70,981       17,476       88,457
25 Dixie             18,353       3,828      22,181       16,840        1,696       36,889        3,828       40,717
26*Duval          5,050,408     299,048   5,349,456            .            .    5,050,408      299,048    5,349,456
27*Escambia       1,329,074     315,526   1,644,600            .            .    1,329,074      315,526    1,644,600
28 Flagler          101,433      18,157     119,590       11,440            .      112,873       18,157      131,030
29 Franklin          37,887      17,997      55,884        5,980            .       43,867       17,997       61,864
30 Gadsden           68,017      27,699      95,716       69,865            .      137,882       27,699      165,581
31 Gilchrist         16,531       2,907      19,438       19,877            .       36,408        2,907       39,315
32 Glades             7,421       1,406       8,827       17,855        1,281       26,557        1,406       27,963
33 Gulf              25,680      14,952      40,632       15,897        2,050       43,627       14,952       58,579
34 Hamilton          30,557      10,517      41,074            .        2,377       32,934       10,517       43,451
35 Hardee            45,252      15,983      61,235       16,660            .       61,912       15,983       77,895
36 Hendry            82,887      30,540     113,427            .            .       82,887       30,540      113,427
37*Hernando         349,127      23,281     372,408            .            .      349,127       23,281      372,408
38 Highlands        204,740      52,761     257,501            .            .      204,740       52,761      257,501
39*Hillsboroug    5,116,448   2,138,887   7,255,335            .            .    5,116,448    2,138,887    7,255,335
40 Holmes            26,479       7,241      33,720       23,235        2,225       51,939        7,241       59,180
41 Indian Rive      386,537     158,375     544,912            .            .      386,537      158,375      544,912
42 Jackson          111,103      45,403     156,506       24,747        7,702      143,552       45,403      188,955
43 Jefferson         26,032       6,292      32,324       17,284            .       43,316        6,292       49,608
44 Lafayette          6,983       1,172       8,155       11,395        1,594       19,972        1,172       21,144
45 Lake             505,285     268,200     773,485            .            .      505,285      268,200      773,485
46*Lee            1,730,134     753,496   2,483,630            .            .    1,730,134      753,496    2,483,630
47*Leon             747,630     590,951   1,338,581            .            .      747,630      590,951    1,338,581
48 Levy              79,576      23,505     103,081       13,253            .       92,829       23,505      116,334
49 Liberty            8,383       1,565       9,948        9,420        2,443       20,246        1,565       21,811
50 Madison           28,127       8,524      36,651       25,630        2,374       56,131        8,524       64,655
51*Manatee          920,762     297,217   1,217,979            .            .      920,762      297,217    1,217,979
52 Marion           964,346     226,221   1,190,567            .            .      964,346      226,221    1,190,567
53 Martin           674,616     103,743     778,359            .            .      674,616      103,743      778,359
54*Monroe           579,154     286,580     865,734            .            .      579,154      286,580      865,734
55*Nassau           213,653      61,947     275,600            .            .      213,653       61,947      275,600
56*Okaloosa         819,994     400,243   1,220,237            .            .      819,994      400,243    1,220,237
57 Okeechobee       105,190      17,029     122,219            .            .      105,190       17,029      122,219
58*Orange         7,156,331   2,829,811   9,986,142            .            .    7,156,331    2,829,811    9,986,142
59*Osceola          782,623     351,274   1,133,897            .            .      782,623      351,274    1,133,897
60*Palm Beach     3,914,148   2,626,235   6,540,383            .            .    3,914,148    2,626,235    6,540,383
61 Pasco          1,028,738     115,792   1,144,530            .            .    1,028,738      115,792    1,144,530
62*Pinellas       2,682,892   2,409,454   5,092,346            .            .    2,682,892    2,409,454    5,092,346
63*Polk           1,674,821     738,758   2,413,579            .            .    1,674,821      738,758    2,413,579
64 Putnam           182,547      43,069     225,616            .            .      182,547       43,069      225,616
65*St. Johns        517,232      91,038     608,270            .            .      517,232       91,038      608,270
66*St. Lucie        368,283     301,424     669,707            .            .      368,283      301,424      669,707
67*Santa Rosa       303,791      45,841     349,632            .            .      303,791       45,841      349,632
68*Sarasota       1,438,139     468,182   1,906,321            .            .    1,438,139      468,182    1,906,321
69*Seminole       1,398,197     840,100   2,238,297            .            .    1,398,197      840,100    2,238,297
70 Sumter            79,553      20,457     100,010       30,634        7,852      118,039       20,457      138,496
71 Suwannee          85,569      20,985     106,554       19,426            .      104,995       20,985      125,980
72 Taylor            59,630      27,738      87,368            .            .       59,630       27,738       87,368
73 Union             13,786       4,153      17,939       13,815        6,439       34,040        4,153       38,193
74*Volusia          983,427     969,334   1,952,761            .            .      983,427      969,334    1,952,761
75 Wakulla           38,546       1,477      40,023       19,076            .       57,622        1,477       59,099
76*Walton           315,910      73,672     389,582            .            .      315,910       73,672      389,582
77 Washington        35,126      13,008      48,134       21,709            .       56,835       13,008       69,843
   STATE TOTAL   60,593,588  30,264,328  90,857,916      459,116       49,412   61,102,116   30,264,328   91,366,444

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