VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MAY,       1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: August 14, 1998

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 5/98 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------      
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          636,524     440,576   1,077,100            .            .      636,524      440,576    1,077,100
12 Baker             29,645       8,061      37,706       25,209        3,135       57,989        8,061       66,050
13*Bay              608,345     456,250   1,064,595            .            .      608,345      456,250    1,064,595
14 Bradford          63,685      21,718      85,403        8,598        6,672       78,955       21,718      100,673
15*Brevard        1,262,961     980,206   2,243,167            .            .    1,262,961      980,206    2,243,167
16*Broward        4,560,444   5,910,228  10,470,672            .            .    4,560,444    5,910,228   10,470,672
17 Calhoun           23,199       6,971      30,170        9,075        2,081       34,355        6,971       41,326
18*Charlotte        638,736      63,167     701,903            .            .      638,736       63,167      701,903
19*Citrus           387,663      40,230     427,893            .            .      387,663       40,230      427,893
20*Clay             502,865      69,061     571,926            .            .      502,865       69,061      571,926
21*Collier        1,953,191     357,449   2,310,640            .            .    1,953,191      357,449    2,310,640
22 Columbia         221,642      47,386     269,028            .            .      221,642       47,386      269,028
23*Dade           7,643,056   4,375,100  12,018,156            .            .    7,643,056    4,375,100   12,018,156
24 DeSoto            67,929      19,599      87,528       15,381            .       83,310       19,599      102,909
25 Dixie             18,173       3,791      21,964       17,830        1,727       37,730        3,791       41,521
26*Duval          4,843,083     286,772   5,129,855            .            .    4,843,083      286,772    5,129,855
27*Escambia       1,354,144     321,478   1,675,622            .            .    1,354,144      321,478    1,675,622
28 Flagler          122,140      21,864     144,004       15,619            .      137,759       21,864      159,623
29 Franklin          28,195      13,393      41,588       10,539            .       38,734       13,393       52,127
30 Gadsden           63,810      25,986      89,796       71,815            .      135,625       25,986      161,611
31 Gilchrist         14,148       2,488      16,636       19,417        1,560       35,125        2,488       37,613
32 Glades            11,748       2,227      13,975       16,647        1,266       29,661        2,227       31,888
33 Gulf              22,247      12,953      35,200       13,108        2,303       37,658       12,953       50,611
34 Hamilton          34,818      11,984      46,802            .            .       34,818       11,984       46,802
35 Hardee            53,890      19,034      72,924       18,271            .       72,161       19,034       91,195
36 Hendry            94,303      34,746     129,049        9,038            .      103,341       34,746      138,087
37*Hernando         407,874      27,199     435,073            .            .      407,874       27,199      435,073
38 Highlands        269,149      69,360     338,509            .            .      269,149       69,360      338,509
39*Hillsboroug    5,258,100   2,198,104   7,456,204            .            .    5,258,100    2,198,104    7,456,204
40 Holmes            24,917       6,813      31,730       24,417        2,126       51,460        6,813       58,273
41 Indian Rive      509,915     208,926     718,841            .            .      509,915      208,926      718,841
42 Jackson          110,576      45,188     155,764       19,411        8,761      138,748       45,188      183,936
43 Jefferson         22,355       5,403      27,758       20,480            .       42,835        5,403       48,238
44 Lafayette          6,825       1,146       7,971       11,991        2,020       20,836        1,146       21,982
45 Lake             571,363     303,273     874,636            .            .      571,363      303,273      874,636
46*Lee            2,287,028     996,030   3,283,058            .            .    2,287,028      996,030    3,283,058
47*Leon             728,214     575,604   1,303,818            .            .      728,214      575,604    1,303,818
48 Levy              85,378      25,219     110,597       18,957            .      104,335       25,219      129,554
49 Liberty            9,335       1,743      11,078        9,898        2,545       21,778        1,743       23,521
50 Madison           25,314       7,672      32,986       26,700        2,553       54,567        7,672       62,239
51*Manatee        1,030,189     332,539   1,362,728            .            .    1,030,189      332,539    1,362,728
52 Marion         1,106,276     259,515   1,365,791            .            .    1,106,276      259,515    1,365,791
53 Martin           648,683      99,755     748,438            .            .      648,683       99,755      748,438
54*Monroe           731,112     361,772   1,092,884            .            .      731,112      361,772    1,092,884
55*Nassau           191,554      55,540     247,094            .            .      191,554       55,540      247,094
56*Okaloosa         683,500     333,619   1,017,119            .            .      683,500      333,619    1,017,119
57 Okeechobee       131,116      21,226     152,342            .            .      131,116       21,226      152,342
58*Orange         7,451,694   2,946,606  10,398,300            .            .    7,451,694    2,946,606   10,398,300
59*Osceola          761,073     341,602   1,102,675            .            .      761,073      341,602    1,102,675
60*Palm Beach     4,835,274   3,246,411   8,081,685            .            .    4,835,274    3,246,411    8,081,685
61 Pasco          1,192,918     134,271   1,327,189            .            .    1,192,918      134,271    1,327,189
62*Pinellas       2,945,744   2,645,517   5,591,261            .            .    2,945,744    2,645,517    5,591,261
63*Polk           1,886,109     831,957   2,718,066            .            .    1,886,109      831,957    2,718,066
64 Putnam           206,858      48,805     255,663            .            .      206,858       48,805      255,663
65*St. Johns        548,874      96,607     645,481            .            .      548,874       96,607      645,481
66*St. Lucie        412,608     337,703     750,311            .            .      412,608      337,703      750,311
67*Santa Rosa       266,784      40,257     307,041            .            .      266,784       40,257      307,041
68*Sarasota       1,817,934     591,824   2,409,758            .            .    1,817,934      591,824    2,409,758
69*Seminole       1,408,841     846,496   2,255,337            .            .    1,408,841      846,496    2,255,337
70 Sumter            94,635      24,336     118,971       34,139        5,900      134,674       24,336      159,010
71 Suwannee          85,904      21,067     106,971       20,225            .      106,129       21,067      127,196
72 Taylor            50,447      23,466      73,913            .            .       50,447       23,466       73,913
73 Union             13,186       3,972      17,158       14,106        6,764       34,056        3,972       38,028
74*Volusia        1,168,855   1,152,105   2,320,960            .            .    1,168,855    1,152,105    2,320,960
75 Wakulla           40,640       1,558      42,198       22,880            .       63,520        1,558       65,078
76*Walton           168,525      39,301     207,826            .            .      168,525       39,301      207,826
77 Washington        36,081      13,362      49,443       24,619            .       60,700       13,362       74,062
   STATE TOTAL   65,492,341  32,875,587  98,367,928      498,370       49,413   66,040,124   32,875,587   98,915,711

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