VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MARCH,     1999                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: June 1, 1999

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 3/99 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------     
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          664,420     455,299   1,119,719            .            .      664,420      455,299    1,119,719
12 Baker             47,805      12,736      60,541       22,963        3,012       73,780       12,736       86,516
13*Bay              491,658     365,765     857,423            .            .      491,658      365,765      857,423
14 Bradford          57,112      19,266      76,378        9,566        6,364       73,042       19,266       92,308
15*Brevard        1,297,520   1,002,161   2,299,681            .            .    1,297,520    1,002,161    2,299,681
16*Broward        4,609,716   6,000,728  10,610,444            .            .    4,609,716    6,000,728   10,610,444
17 Calhoun           20,391       5,897      26,288       15,616        2,003       38,010        5,897       43,907
18*Charlotte        672,102      66,603     738,705            .            .      672,102       66,603      738,705
19*Citrus           400,753      41,165     441,918            .            .      400,753       41,165      441,918
20*Clay             505,100      68,114     573,214            .            .      505,100       68,114      573,214
21*Collier        1,981,331     352,250   2,333,581            .            .    1,981,331      352,250    2,333,581
22 Columbia         211,227      45,085     256,312            .            .      211,227       45,085      256,312
23*Dade           8,207,716   4,742,224  12,949,940            .            .    8,207,716    4,742,224   12,949,940
24 DeSoto            88,622      24,996     113,618       11,287            .       99,909       24,996      124,905
25 Dixie             15,702       3,190      18,892       18,113        1,696       35,511        3,190       38,701
26*Duval          4,871,143     286,702   5,157,845            .            .    4,871,143      286,702    5,157,845
27*Escambia       1,246,046     289,960   1,536,006            .            .    1,246,046      289,960    1,536,006
28 Flagler          131,261      22,397     153,658       12,465            .      143,726       22,397      166,123
29 Franklin          21,847      10,284      32,131        6,461            .       28,308       10,284       38,592
30 Gadsden           71,331      26,383      97,714       75,136            .      146,467       26,383      172,850
31 Gilchrist         13,270       2,221      15,491       21,369            .       34,639        2,221       36,860
32 Glades             9,843       1,829      11,672       19,187        1,281       30,311        1,829       32,140
33 Gulf              16,603       9,296      25,899       17,107        2,050       35,760        9,296       45,056
34 Hamilton          36,047      12,195      48,242            .        2,377       38,424       12,195       50,619
35 Hardee            54,892      19,164      74,056       17,965            .       72,857       19,164       92,021
36 Hendry            91,710      33,781     125,491            .            .       91,710       33,781      125,491
37*Hernando         396,296      25,956     422,252            .            .      396,296       25,956      422,252
38 Highlands        276,191      69,407     345,598            .            .      276,191       69,407      345,598
39*Hillsboroug    5,343,654   2,209,999   7,553,653            .            .    5,343,654    2,209,999    7,553,653
40 Holmes            24,401       6,717      31,118       24,991        2,225       51,617        6,717       58,334
41 Indian Rive      559,896     228,260     788,156            .            .      559,896      228,260      788,156
42 Jackson          108,098      44,120     152,218       26,751        7,702      142,551       44,120      186,671
43 Jefferson         28,459       6,816      35,275       18,596            .       47,055        6,816       53,871
44 Lafayette          5,834         985       6,819       12,247        1,594       19,675          985       20,660
45 Lake             585,611     305,569     891,180            .            .      585,611      305,569      891,180
46*Lee            2,319,740     999,800   3,319,540            .            .    2,319,740      999,800    3,319,540
47*Leon             720,888     558,669   1,279,557            .            .      720,888      558,669    1,279,557
48 Levy              79,883      22,929     102,812       14,361            .       94,244       22,929      117,173
49 Liberty            6,628       1,317       7,945       10,130        2,443       19,201        1,317       20,518
50 Madison           30,965       9,124      40,089       27,565        2,374       60,904        9,124       70,028
51*Manatee        1,051,684     333,873   1,385,557            .            .    1,051,684      333,873    1,385,557
52 Marion         1,098,758     250,359   1,349,117            .            .    1,098,758      250,359    1,349,117
53 Martin           835,178     126,814     961,992            .            .      835,178      126,814      961,992
54*Monroe           701,876     346,405   1,048,281            .            .      701,876      346,405    1,048,281
55*Nassau           182,534      53,156     235,690            .            .      182,534       53,156      235,690
56*Okaloosa         609,120     293,583     902,703            .            .      609,120      293,583      902,703
57 Okeechobee       129,886      20,730     150,616            .            .      129,886       20,730      150,616
58*Orange         7,032,331   2,746,806   9,779,137            .            .    7,032,331    2,746,806    9,779,137
59*Osceola          756,137     337,597   1,093,734            .            .      756,137      337,597    1,093,734
60*Palm Beach     4,935,123   3,292,821   8,227,944            .            .    4,935,123    3,292,821    8,227,944
61 Pasco          1,164,215     129,981   1,294,196            .            .    1,164,215      129,981    1,294,196
62*Pinellas       2,801,129   2,510,776   5,311,905            .            .    2,801,129    2,510,776    5,311,905
63*Polk           1,786,900     787,974   2,574,874            .            .    1,786,900      787,974    2,574,874
64 Putnam           169,236      39,894     209,130            .            .      169,236       39,894      209,130
65*St. Johns        511,764      87,340     599,104            .            .      511,764       87,340      599,104
66*St. Lucie        407,526     339,054     746,580            .            .      407,526      339,054      746,580
67*Santa Rosa       234,751      34,560     269,311            .            .      234,751       34,560      269,311
68*Sarasota       1,798,609     582,429   2,381,038            .            .    1,798,609      582,429    2,381,038
69*Seminole       1,452,947     874,576   2,327,523            .            .    1,452,947      874,576    2,327,523
70 Sumter            88,858      21,416     110,274       33,037        7,852      129,747       21,416      151,163
71 Suwannee          87,384      20,486     107,870       20,989            .      108,373       20,486      128,859
72 Taylor            49,884      22,853      72,737            .            .       49,884       22,853       72,737
73 Union             14,967       4,403      19,370       14,857        6,439       36,263        4,403       40,666
74*Volusia        1,252,801   1,245,794   2,498,595            .            .    1,252,801    1,245,794    2,498,595
75 Wakulla           37,129       1,487      38,616       20,543            .       57,672        1,487       59,159
76*Walton           150,754      33,272     184,026            .            .      150,754       33,272      184,026
77 Washington        36,942      12,606      49,548       23,368            .       60,310       12,606       72,916
   STATE TOTAL   65,700,135  32,960,404  98,660,539      494,670       49,412   66,244,217   32,960,404   99,204,621

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