VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: APRIL,     2001                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: August 25, 2001

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          749,398     503,036   1,252,434            .            .      749,398      503,036    1,252,434
12 Baker             54,021      14,118      68,139       34,298        2,803       91,122       14,118      105,240
13*Bay              745,404     553,957   1,299,361            .            .      745,404      553,957    1,299,361
14 Bradford          73,447      24,408      97,855       21,656        6,505      101,608       24,408      126,016
15*Brevard        1,766,024   1,357,813   3,123,837            .            .    1,766,024    1,357,813    3,123,837
16*Broward        5,589,875   7,482,056  13,071,930            .            .    5,589,875    7,482,056   13,071,930
17 Calhoun           15,563       4,124      19,687       25,561        2,299       43,423        4,124       47,547
18*Charlotte        842,465      87,593     930,058            .            .      842,465       87,593      930,058
19*Citrus           506,303      51,682     557,985            .            .      506,303       51,682      557,985
20*Clay             662,649      85,039     747,688            .            .      662,649       85,039      747,688
21*Collier        2,620,217     428,885   3,049,101            .            .    2,620,217      428,885    3,049,101
22 Columbia         283,746      58,499     342,245            .            .      283,746       58,499      342,245
23*Dade           9,562,299   5,425,114  14,987,413            .            .    9,562,299    5,425,114   14,987,413
24 DeSoto           111,709      29,702     141,411       21,848            .      133,557       29,702      163,259
25 Dixie             24,673       4,791      29,464       26,438            .       51,112        4,791       55,903
26*Duval          5,973,155     349,667   6,322,823            .            .    5,973,155      349,667    6,322,823
27*Escambia       1,449,140     326,637   1,775,777            .            .    1,449,140      326,637    1,775,777
28 Flagler          107,484     121,472     228,956            .            .      107,484      121,472      228,956
29 Franklin          36,742      16,918      53,660       10,286            .       47,028       16,918       63,946
30 Gadsden           70,702      25,886      96,587      104,719            .      175,421       25,886      201,306
31 Gilchrist         22,782       3,593      26,374       29,930            .       52,712        3,593       56,304
32 Glades            17,799       3,041      20,840       25,026        1,298       44,123        3,041       47,165
33 Gulf              24,338      13,229      37,567       25,722        2,150       52,210       13,229       65,439
34 Hamilton          17,452       5,804      23,256       12,485        3,221       33,158        5,804       38,962
35 Hardee            56,094      19,370      75,464       27,441            .       83,535       19,370      102,906
36 Hendry           107,381      39,294     146,676            .            .      107,381       39,294      146,676
37*Hernando         491,550      31,501     523,051            .            .      491,550       31,501      523,051
38 Highlands        334,777      82,312     417,089            .            .      334,777       82,312      417,089
39*Hillsboroug    6,255,360   2,550,311   8,805,672            .            .    6,255,360    2,550,311    8,805,672
40 Holmes            25,718       6,736      32,454       37,563            .       63,281        6,736       70,017
41 Indian Rive      615,275     250,586     865,861            .            .      615,275      250,586      865,861
42 Jackson          128,064      52,264     180,328       51,144        8,503      187,711       52,264      239,975
43 Jefferson         30,987       7,209      38,195       21,449            .       52,435        7,209       59,644
44 Lafayette          8,241       1,355       9,596       15,048        1,463       24,753        1,355       26,108
45 Lake             751,153     382,257   1,133,411            .            .      751,153      382,257    1,133,411
46*Lee            3,694,466   1,857,318   5,551,784            .            .    3,694,466    1,857,318    5,551,784
47*Leon             883,538     677,713   1,561,250            .            .      883,538      677,713    1,561,250
48 Levy             102,118      29,364     131,482       32,210            .      134,329       29,364      163,692
49 Liberty            9,525       1,763      11,288       16,470        2,448       28,443        1,763       30,206
50 Madison           35,083       9,924      45,007       38,242        2,586       75,911        9,924       85,835
51*Manatee        1,424,922     438,964   1,863,886            .            .    1,424,922      438,964    1,863,886
52 Marion         1,337,263     301,835   1,639,098            .            .    1,337,263      301,835    1,639,098
53 Martin         1,117,238     162,034   1,279,272            .            .    1,117,238      162,034    1,279,272
54*Monroe           724,222     487,675   1,211,897            .            .      724,222      487,675    1,211,897
55*Nassau           231,887      64,929     296,816            .            .      231,887       64,929      296,816
56*Okaloosa         872,521     415,236   1,287,757            .            .      872,521      415,236    1,287,757
57 Okeechobee       130,411      20,583     150,995            .            .      130,411       20,583      150,995
58*Orange         9,512,131   3,723,474  13,235,605            .            .    9,512,131    3,723,474   13,235,605
59*Osceola          934,203     404,852   1,339,055            .            .      934,203      404,852    1,339,055
60*Palm Beach     5,846,386   3,910,685   9,757,071            .            .    5,846,386    3,910,685    9,757,071
61 Pasco          1,651,342     179,829   1,831,171            .            .    1,651,342      179,829    1,831,171
62*Pinellas       3,308,577   2,958,311   6,266,888            .            .    3,308,577    2,958,311    6,266,888
63*Polk           2,090,541     900,595   2,991,135            .            .    2,090,541      900,595    2,991,135
64 Putnam           207,447      47,895     255,342            .            .      207,447       47,895      255,342
65*St. Johns        823,977     134,660     958,637            .            .      823,977      134,660      958,637
66*St. Lucie        527,157     441,422     968,579            .            .      527,157      441,422      968,579
67*Santa Rosa       298,602      41,504     340,106            .            .      298,602       41,504      340,106
68*Sarasota       2,308,146     746,460   3,054,606            .            .    2,308,146      746,460    3,054,606
69*Seminole       1,722,970   1,043,271   2,766,241            .            .    1,722,970    1,043,271    2,766,241
70 Sumter           123,346      26,319     149,665       69,718        9,096      202,160       26,319      228,480
71 Suwannee         103,665      23,572     127,237       33,942            .      137,608       23,572      161,180
72 Taylor            50,686      22,507      73,192            .            .       50,686       22,507       73,192
73 Union             16,292       4,439      20,731       20,709        7,039       44,040        4,439       48,479
74*Volusia        1,513,187   1,509,501   3,022,687            .            .    1,513,187    1,509,501    3,022,687
75 Wakulla           53,753       2,072      55,826       32,957            .       86,710        2,072       88,783
76*Walton           318,766      63,795     382,561            .            .      318,766       63,795      382,561
77 Washington        37,135      11,511      48,646       37,178            .       74,313       11,511       85,824
   STATE TOTAL   82,143,490  41,064,266 123,207,757      772,042       49,413   82,964,945   41,064,266  124,029,211

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