VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JANUARY,   2001                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: June 9, 2001
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                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          904,064      60,856     964,920            .            .      904,064       60,856      964,920
12 Baker             45,556      11,906      57,462       35,360        2,803       83,719       11,906       95,625
13*Bay              605,309     449,844   1,055,153            .            .      605,309      449,844    1,055,153
14 Bradford          68,465      22,753      91,218       22,799        6,505       97,769       22,753      120,522
15*Brevard        1,659,675   1,276,047   2,935,722            .            .    1,659,675    1,276,047    2,935,722
16*Broward        5,898,165   7,894,703  13,792,869            .            .    5,898,165    7,894,703   13,792,869
17 Calhoun           24,815       6,576      31,391       26,231        2,299       53,346        6,576       59,921
18*Charlotte        857,968      89,205     947,173            .            .      857,968       89,205      947,173
19*Citrus           473,587      48,342     521,929            .            .      473,587       48,342      521,929
20*Clay             684,875      87,891     772,766            .            .      684,875       87,891      772,766
21*Collier        2,490,227     407,608   2,897,835            .            .    2,490,227      407,608    2,897,835
22 Columbia         279,770      57,679     337,449            .            .      279,770       57,679      337,449
23*Dade          10,504,312   5,959,560  16,463,872            .            .   10,504,312    5,959,560   16,463,872
24 DeSoto            89,728      23,857     113,585       23,238            .      112,966       23,857      136,823
25 Dixie             22,145       4,300      26,445       27,094            .       49,239        4,300       53,540
26*Duval          6,440,091     377,002   6,817,093            .            .    6,440,091      377,002    6,817,093
27*Escambia       1,621,369     365,457   1,986,827            .            .    1,621,369      365,457    1,986,827
28 Flagler           90,470     102,244     192,714            .            .       90,470      102,244      192,714
29 Franklin          27,656      12,734      40,390       10,844            .       38,500       12,734       51,234
30 Gadsden           84,300      30,864     115,163      107,275            .      191,574       30,864      222,438
31 Gilchrist         18,454       2,910      21,365       30,590            .       49,045        2,910       51,955
32 Glades            11,513       1,967      13,480       25,504        1,298       38,315        1,967       40,282
33 Gulf              23,768      12,919      36,687       26,412        2,150       52,330       12,919       65,248
34 Hamilton          22,031       7,327      29,358       13,142        3,221       38,395        7,327       45,721
35 Hardee            57,334      19,799      77,133       28,555            .       85,889       19,799      105,688
36 Hendry           116,201      42,522     158,722            .            .      116,201       42,522      158,722
37*Hernando         493,105      31,600     524,705            .            .      493,105       31,600      524,705
38 Highlands        339,505      83,474     422,979            .            .      339,505       83,474      422,979
39*Hillsboroug    7,091,097   2,891,041   9,982,139            .            .    7,091,097    2,891,041    9,982,139
40 Holmes            27,956       7,322      35,278       38,482            .       66,438        7,322       73,760
41 Indian Rive      681,809     277,683     959,492            .            .      681,809      277,683      959,492
42 Jackson          131,185      53,538     184,722       53,481        8,503      193,169       53,538      246,706
43 Jefferson         30,917       7,193      38,110       22,155            .       53,073        7,193       60,265
44 Lafayette          7,878       1,295       9,173       15,370        1,463       24,711        1,295       26,006
45 Lake             774,018     393,893   1,167,911            .            .      774,018      393,893    1,167,911
46*Lee            2,851,659   1,433,614   4,285,273            .            .    2,851,659    1,433,614    4,285,273
47*Leon           1,024,356     785,726   1,810,082            .            .    1,024,356      785,726    1,810,082
48 Levy              98,851      28,424     127,275       33,941            .      132,791       28,424      161,215
49 Liberty            9,474       1,753      11,227       16,820        2,448       28,742        1,753       30,495
50 Madison           34,586       9,783      44,369       39,192        2,586       76,364        9,783       86,147
51*Manatee        1,309,108     403,286   1,712,394            .            .    1,309,108      403,286    1,712,394
52 Marion         1,307,666     295,155   1,602,821            .            .    1,307,666      295,155    1,602,821
53 Martin         1,070,859     155,308   1,226,167            .            .    1,070,859      155,308    1,226,167
54*Monroe           656,184     441,860   1,098,045            .            .      656,184      441,860    1,098,045
55*Nassau           216,934      60,742     277,676            .            .      216,934       60,742      277,676
56*Okaloosa         771,330     367,079   1,138,409            .            .      771,330      367,079    1,138,409
57 Okeechobee       156,894      24,763     181,657            .            .      156,894       24,763      181,657
58*Orange         9,003,605   3,524,414  12,528,019            .            .    9,003,605    3,524,414   12,528,019
59*Osceola          865,335     375,007   1,240,342            .            .      865,335      375,007    1,240,342
60*Palm Beach     6,293,214   4,209,571  10,502,786            .            .    6,293,214    4,209,571   10,502,786
61 Pasco          1,414,752     154,065   1,568,817            .            .    1,414,752      154,065    1,568,817
62*Pinellas       3,600,778   3,219,578   6,820,356            .            .    3,600,778    3,219,578    6,820,356
63*Polk           2,234,143     962,458   3,196,601            .            .    2,234,143      962,458    3,196,601
64 Putnam           224,514      51,835     276,349            .            .      224,514       51,835      276,349
65*St. Johns        682,800     111,588     794,387            .            .      682,800      111,588      794,387
66*St. Lucie        483,772     405,093     888,865            .            .      483,772      405,093      888,865
67*Santa Rosa       296,387      41,197     337,584            .            .      296,387       41,197      337,584
68*Sarasota       2,290,128     740,632   3,030,760            .            .    2,290,128      740,632    3,030,760
69*Seminole       2,058,129   1,246,212   3,304,341            .            .    2,058,129    1,246,212    3,304,341
70 Sumter           116,928      24,950     141,878       72,109        9,096      198,133       24,950      223,083
71 Suwannee          96,767      22,003     118,770       35,739            .      132,506       22,003      154,509
72 Taylor            61,338      27,237      88,575            .            .       61,338       27,237       88,575
73 Union             15,897       4,332      20,228       21,227        7,039       44,163        4,332       48,494
74*Volusia        1,365,104   1,361,779   2,726,883            .            .    1,365,104    1,361,779    2,726,883
75 Wakulla           44,117       1,701      45,818       33,994            .       78,112        1,701       79,812
76*Walton           219,606      43,950     263,556            .            .      219,606       43,950      263,556
77 Washington        47,159      14,618      61,777       38,268            .       85,428       14,618      100,046
   STATE TOTAL   83,621,694  41,673,622 125,295,316      797,822       49,413   84,468,929   41,673,622  126,142,551

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